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palmpalm[pɑːm],palm sb 'off (with sth) (informal) 1.to persuade sb to believe an explanation for sth that is not true, in order to stop them asking questions or complaining﹙藉口某事﹚搪塞某人,骗过某人:Don’t let him palm you off with an excuse.别听他找藉口搪塞你。2.to persuade sb to accept sth that has little value or is not what they really want以次充好;以假充真:Make sure he doesn’t palm you off with faulty goods.当心别让他以残次品假充正品卖给你。[synonym]fob sb off (with sth)[G]v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n,palm sth 'off as sth (informal)3.to persuade sb that sth is better than it really is, or is sth different,especially in order to sell it以﹙次品﹚假充﹙正品﹚;以假乱真:She was trying to palm copies off as original paintings.她企图以复制品假冒原画作出售。[G]v+n/pron+adv+prep,palm sb/sth 'off on/onto sb (informal)4.to get rid of sb/sth that you do not want by persuading sb else to accept them/it劝说……接受﹙自己不想要的人或事物﹚:He tried to palm his uncle off on me for the whole afternoon.他整整花了一下午时间把他叔叔推给我。I think she palmed off the stolen necklace on some unsuspecting old lady.我想她已经把偷来的项链脱了手给一位没有防备的老妇人。[G]v+n/pron+adv+prep ◆ v+adv+n+prep

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