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blackblack[blak],black 'out 1.to lose consciousness or lose your memory for a short time暂时失去知觉(或记忆) ; 晕眩; 昏厥:The pain hit him and he blacked out.他疼得昏了过去。[G]v+adv'blackout n 2.a temporary loss of consciousness or of memory暂时失去知觉(或记忆);晕眩:When did you start having these blackouts? 你何时开始有这些短暂昏厥的?see also BLACKOUT at BLACK STH OUT,black sth 'out 3.to turn out lights completely or cover windows, etc. so that light cannot be seen from outside关掉(某处)的灯;使(某处)不透光:blacked out windows/houses 不透光的窗户;黑暗的房子The city was often blacked out}(= there were no lights because there was no electricity)&b{ by power cuts.停电常常造成这城市一片漆黑。[OBJ]window,city4.[NOTE]Black sth out is often used in the passive. black sth out 常用于被动语态。[G]v+adv+n ◆ v+pron+adv ◆ v+n+adv (rare)'blackout 5.(especially BrE) (in the past) a period of time during a war when the streets and buildings were kept as dark as possible so that the enemy could not see what to bomb(旧时)灯火管制期6.[usually pl.] (BrE) a covering for windows that stops light from outside coming in,or that stops bright light being seen from outside遮光窗罩(或窗帘):blackout material 窗户遮光材料7.(also 'outage AmE) a period of time when the electricity supply to a place stops completely断电;停电8.[NOTE]This is now the most common meaning of blackout . 这是blackout目前最常见的含义。9.a situation when the government or the police prevent a radio or television programme from being broadcast, or do not allow some news or information to be given to the public(电台或电视节目的)禁止播放;新闻封锁:The government have been accused of maintaining a news blackout over election fraud.有人指责政府封锁有关选举舞弊的新闻报道。see also BLACKOUT at BLACK OUT

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