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pourpour[pɔː],pour sth a'way 1.to get rid of a liquid by emptying it out of its container倒掉,倾倒﹙液体﹚:He poured the water away after he finished washing the car.他擦洗完车就把水倒掉了。[G]v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n'pour down 2.to rain heavily下大雨;大雨倾盆:It’s pouring down.大雨滂沱。The rain poured down all weekend.大雨下了整整一个周末。[synonym]pelt down3.Pour is also used with this meaning, but only with the subject it. pour 也作此义,但只与主语it连用:It’s pouring (with rain).天正下着大雨。[G]v+adv'downpour n 4.a heavy shower of rain倾盆大雨;暴雨,pour 'forth; ,pour 'forth sth (formal)5.to appear or to produce sth from somewhere in large numbers or amounts涌现; 大量产生:The doors opened and a crowd of people poured forth.门开了, 一群人蜂拥而进。He poured forth a stream of bitter accusations.他连珠炮般地进行了严厉谴责。[G]v+adv ◆ v+adv+n,pour 'in; ,pour 'into sth 6.to arrive somewhere in large numbers or amounts涌入; 涌向:Complaints poured in after last night’s programme.昨晚的节目播出之后,不满意见纷至沓来。Sunlight poured in through the windows.阳光从窗户照射进来。Fans were still pouring into the stadium.球迷继续涌入体育场。[synonym]flood in,flood into sth[G]v+adv ◆ v+preppour sth 'into sth 7.to provide a large amount of money for sth向……投入大量金钱;大量投资于:The council has been pouring money into the area.议会一直在向这个地区投入大量金钱。[G]v+n/pron+prep,pour sth 'off 8.to remove some of the liquid from a container, cooking pot, etc. by pouring倒出﹙容器中的液体﹚:When the fish is cooked, pour off the water.鱼煮熟之后就把水滗出去。[G]v+adv+n ◆ v+n/pron+adv,pour 'out; ,pour sth 'out 9.(also ,pour 'out of sth, ,pour sth 'out of sth) to come out or to produce sth from somewhere in large amounts or numbers涌出;大量产生:Black smoke poured out of the engine.发动机排放出磙磙黑烟。People poured out through the gates.人们涌出大门。Factory chimneys poured out smoke.工厂的烟囱喷出了浓烟。10.when feelings or wordspour out, or sb pours them out, they are expressed, usually after they have been kept hidden for some time﹙感情或话语﹚奔涌,迸发;畅所欲言:All her feelings of resentment just came pouring out.她一股脑儿倾吐出所有的怨恨。The whole story then poured out.接着,事情的来龙去脉被和盘托出。He poured out his troubles to me.他对我倾诉了他的烦恼。[G]v+adv ◆ v+adv+n ◆ v+pron+adv ◆ v+n+adv(less frequent) 1 }also&b{ v+adv+prep ◆ v+n/pron+adv+prep 'outpouring n 11.[usually pl.] a strong and sudden expression of feeling﹙感情的﹚迸发:She hated having to listen to his passionate outpourings.她讨厌他那赤裸裸的表白。12.a large amount of sth produced in a short time涌现:a remarkable outpouring of scholarship 学术成就的涌现

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