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preyprey[preɪ]'prey on sb (also 'prey upon sb more formal)1.to treat sb who is weaker than you in an unfair or dishonest way in order to get sth or gain an advantage for yourself欺压,欺负﹙弱者﹚:The thieves have been preying on elderly people living alone.窃贼一直在偷独居老人的东西。[synonym]exploit sb2.[NOTE]Prey on/upon sb can be used in the passive. prey on/upon sb 可用于被动语态。[G]v+prepprey on sb’s 'mind 3.if a problem or a thoughtpreys on your mind, you think and worry about it all the time﹙问题或想法﹚萦绕心头;使耿耿于怀'prey on sth (also 'prey upon sth more formal)4.if a bird or an animal preys on/upon another bird or animal, it hunts and kills it for food﹙鸟兽﹚捕食,猎获:They prey on small mammals.它们捕食小哺乳动物。5.Prey on/upon sth can be used in the passive. prey on/upon sth 可用于被动语态:These small fish are preyed upon by sharks and other fish.这些小鱼是鲨鱼和其他鱼类的猎物。[G]v+prep

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