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pushpush[pʊʃ]push sb a'bout (especially BrE)=PUSH SBAROUND,push a'head/ 'forward/ 'on (with sth)1.to continue with a plan in a determined way毅然推行﹙计划﹚:They pushed ahead with the modernization programme.他们坚定地推行现代化计划。see also PUSH ON[G]v+adv,push sb a'round (also ,push sb a'boutespecially BrE ) (informal)2.to order sb to do things ina threatening or unpleasant way发号施令;任意使唤:Don’t let him push you around.别让他对你指手画脚。[G]v+n/pron+adv,push sb/sth a'side 3.to move sb/sth to a positionwhere they do not prevent you from goingsomewhere or doing sth移开,推开﹙阻挡前进的人或物﹚:He pushed her aside and went into the room.他推开她,自己进了房间。I pushed the curtain aside to get a better view.我拉开窗帘开阔视野。4.to treat sb/sth as if they/it are notimportant; to avoid thinking about sb/sth﹙将人或事物﹚置之不理,抛诸脑后:When his sister brought home a school friend, he felt pushed aside and abandoned.他妹妹带了一位同学回家,他觉得自己被扔在一边,无人理会。Emma immediately pushed the unpleasant thought aside.埃玛立刻把这不愉快的想法抛到脑后。[G]v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n,push sb/sth a'way 5.to remove sb/sth from infront of you with your hands or arms, to showthat you do not want them/it把﹙不需要的人或物﹚推开:He offered to help, but she pushed him away.他主动来帮忙,却被她推开了。She pushed her plate away. ‘I’m not hungry.’ 她把盘子推到一边说:“我不饿。(figurative) Had he lied to me? I pushed the thought away .他对我说谎了吗?我要排除这种想法。[G]v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n,push sb 'back 6.to use force to make sb movebackwards, especially by using your hands orarms把﹙人﹚向后推:The police pushed the protesters back.警察把示威者压了回去。7.if sb pushes soldiers, an army, etc. back, they forcethem to move away from a place迫使﹙部队等﹚撤离:Magnus’s army was gradually pushed back into a defensive circle.马格努斯的军队被迫逐步撤回防守圈。[G]v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n,push sth 'back 8.to make sth move backwardsby using your hands, arms, legs, etc.把﹙物﹚向后推:He pushed his chair back and stood up.他把椅子向后一推,站了起来。9.to make thetime or date of a meeting, etc. later than originallyplanned推迟;延迟:The release of their new album has been pushed back until early next year.他们的新唱片集推迟到明年年初发行。[G]v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n,push 'by/ 'past; ,push 'by/ 'past sb 10.to use force to go past other people, rudely making them move to one side﹙推搡着﹚向前挤,挤过去:She pushed by without saying a word.她一言不发地挤了过去。He followed me to the door and pushed past me into the house.他跟随我来到门口,把我推到一边,进了屋子。[G]v+adv ◆ v+prep'push for sth;'push sb for sth 11.to keep asking for sth, or asking sb to do sth, because you think it is very important催促﹙ 某人﹚ …… ; 不断要求;争取:We are pushing hard for electoral reform.我们强烈要求选举改革。They’re pushing me for a decision on the matter.他们在催促我就此事做出决定。[synonym]press for sth,press sb for sth[G]v+prep ◆ v+n/pron+prep,push 'forward 12.to move forward through a group of people until you are near the front挤到前面:She pushed forward through the crowd.她挤到了人群前面。13.=PUSH AHEAD/FORWARD/ON14.if soldiers, an army, etc. push forward, they move forward against the enemy, especially with some difficulty﹙部队﹚向敌方推进,艰难前进[G]v+adv,push sb/yourself 'forward 15.to try to make sb notice sb/yourself, especially in order to obtain sth such as a job or a move to a more important job﹙使﹚引人注目,出风头,突显:He’s not the sort of person who pushes himself forward.他不是那种想方设法表现自己的人。[G]v+n/pron+adv,push 'in (BrE, informal)16.to move in front of other people who are waiting in a line加塞儿;插队:They thought I was trying to push in at the head of the queue.他们以为我想插到队列前面。[synonym]cut in (AmE)[G]v+adv,push 'off 17.(informal, especially BrE ) used to tell sb rudely to go away磙开;一边去:Push off and leave me in peace! 磙开,让我安静点!18.to leave sb/a place, especially in order to go home离开;动身回家:It’s time I pushed off and did some work.那时候我该回家干活儿。19.(from sth) to move away from the shore in a boat, or from the side of a swimming pool﹙乘船﹚离岸;离开﹙游泳池边﹚:He pushed off from the bank and rowed downstream.他划船离开河岸顺流而下。[G]v+adv,push 'on 20.(to…) to continue travelling somewhere﹙向…﹚继续行进:We decided to push on to Kobe.我们决定继续前往神户。21.=PUSH AHEAD/FORWARD/ON[G]v+adv'push sth on/onto sb 22.to try to make sb accept or buy sth they do not really want强人所难;强买:He keeps pushing his attentions on her.他没完没了地向她献殷勤。[G]v+n/pron+prep,push sb 'out; ,push sb 'out of sth 23.to make sb leave a place or an organization驱逐;开除:He refused to resign, so his colleagues pushed him out.他不肯辞职,于是他的同僚把他赶下了台。Patients are being pushed out of hospital before they are really ready.病人们现在还没好利索就要被逐出医院。[G]v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n ◆ v+n/pron+adv+prep,push sb/sth 'out 24.to make sb/sth less important than before; to replace sb/sth with sb/sth else减少……的重要性; 使失势; 替换:My parents didn’t want me to feel pushed out by my younger brother.父母不想让我因为我弟弟而觉得失宠。‘Harry Potter’ is pushing out more traditional children’s stories.《哈利波特》正取代更多的传统童话。[G]v+adv+n ◆ v+n/pron+adv,push sb/sth 'over 25.to make sb/sth fall to the ground; to make sth fall onto its side or turn over推倒;推翻:I was pushed over in the playground.我在运动场上被撞倒了。[G]v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n 'pushover n (informal) 26.a task that is easy to do; a contest that you win easily简易的事;轻易取胜的比赛:The game against Sheffield will be a pushover.和谢菲尔德队的比赛将易如反掌。27.a person who is easy to influence or persuade容易说服的人;好说话的人;耳软心活的人,push 'past; ,push 'past sb =PUSH BY/PAST,PUSH BY/PAST SB,push 'through; ,push 'through sth 28.to use force to cross a barrier, especially one formed by a crowd of people冲过﹙障碍物﹚;挤过﹙ 人群﹚ :He pushed his way through to the front of the crowd.他挤到了人群前面。[G]v+adv ◆ v+prep,push sth 'through; ,push sth 'through sth29.to get a new law, plan or proposal officially accepted使通过;使得到批准:We’re trying to push through the reforms as quickly as possible.我们正在争取尽快促成这些改革。The Prime Minister promised to push the bill through Parliament quickly.首相允诺让议会从速通过这项法案。[OBJ]bill,reforms,legislation[G]v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n ◆ v+n/pron+prep,push sth 'to 30.if you push a door or a window to,you close it or almost close it by moving it away from you把﹙门窗﹚推合;关闭:I pushed the door to.我把门推上了。[OBJ]only door,window [synonym]shut sth[opposite]pull sth to[G]v+n/pron+adv,push to'wards sth 31.to make progress towards achieving an aim向﹙目标﹚推进;前进:We are pushing towards full monetary union in Europe.我们正向全欧洲货币联盟的方向迈进。[G]v+prep,push sb to'wards sth; ,push sb to'wards doing sth 32.to make sb try to do or achieve sth使努力做; 使争取:The need for aid finally pushed them towards cooperation with the USA.为了得到援助,他们最终还是得与美国合作。[G]v+n/pron+prep,push sth 'up 33.to make sth rise or increase使上升;使增长:A shortage of land pushed property prices up.土地短缺推高了房地产价格。[OBJ]prices,rates,costs[G]v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n

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