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blowblow[bləʊ](blew/blown) ,blow a'way; ,blow sth a'way 1.to be moved or carried away by the force of the wind or by sb’s breath; to move in this way(被)颳走,吹动:It was so windy the tent nearly blew away! 风大得把帐篷都快颳走了! A sudden breeze blew his newspaper away.突如其来的一阵风颳跑了他的报纸。She blew away the dust on the lid.她吹掉盖子上的灰尘。[G]v+adv ◆ v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n,blow sb a'way 2.(informal) to impress sb a lot;to surprise or please sb给某人留下深刻印象;使某人惊喜(或高兴):I saw her performance on Broadway last year and it just blew me away.我去年在百老汇看过她的演出,印象十分深刻。3.(AmE, informal, sport) to defeat sb easily轻松地打败某人:Mitchell blew away the other runners.米切尔轻而易举地赢了其他赛跑选手。[G]v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n,blow sb/sth a'way 4.to kill sb or remove or destroy sth with explosives or with a gun(用炸药或枪)杀掉,除掉,摧毁:He threatened to blow us away.他威胁说要把我们枪毙。They blew his kneecaps away }(= by shooting them)&b{.他们开枪打碎了他的膝盖。[synonym]blast sb/sth away[G]v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n,blow 'down; ,blow sth 'down 5.if sth blows down, or the wind blows it down, it falls to the ground because of the force of the wind(被)颳倒:An old oak tree had blown down in the storm.暴风把一棵老橡树颳倒了。Hundreds of trees have been blown down this winter.今年冬天有几百棵树被颳倒。[G]v+adv ◆ v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n,blow 'in; ,blow 'into sth (informal)6.to arrive somewhere where you are not expected突然来到;突然进入:Look who’s just blown in! 看,谁来了! Have you heard who’s just blown into town? 你听说谁刚到城里来了吗?[G]v+adv ◆ v+prep,blow 'off; ,blow sth 'off; ,blow sth 'off sth7.if sth blows off, or the wind blows it off, it is removed by the force of the wind(被)颳动,吹走:My hat blew off.我的帽子被颳掉了。A gust of wind blew her cap off.一阵风把她的帽子颳掉了。The roof was blown off the Greens’ house.格林家的屋顶被风掀掉了。8.if sth blows off in an explosion, or an explosion blows sth off it is violently removed(被)炸掉,炸开:The door blew off in the explosion.那扇门被炸掉了。The explosion blew the roof off (the house).爆炸把屋顶掀开了。[G]v+adv ◆ v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n ◆ v+n/pron+prepblow/knock sb’s 'socks off 9.to impress or surprise sb very much给某人留下深刻印象;使某人十分惊愕:When I first heard the song, it blew my socks off.我初次听到这首歌时就被深深打动了。,blow 'off sth; ,blow it 'off (AmE, informal)10.to decide not to do sth you should do or were planning to do推掉(应该做的事);取消(原计划):Jessica blew off her classes on Friday afternoon to go shopping.杰西卡逃掉了星期五下午的课去逛商店了。11.[NOTE]A noun must follow off, but a pronoun comes between the verb and off .名词必须放在off 之后,但代词放在动词和off 之间。[G]v+adv+n ◆ v+pron+adv,blow sb 'off (AmE, informal)12.to disappoint sb by not meeting them as arranged; to end a relationship with sb不赴约;和(某人)分手:We were supposed to go out yesterday, but he blew me off.我们说好昨天出去的,可他让我空等了一场。[synonym]stand sb up[G]v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n,blow 'out13.if a tyre blows out, it bursts suddenly(轮胎)突然爆裂:One of the front tyres blew out.一个前轮胎突然破了。[synonym]burst14.if an oil or gas well blows out, it suddenly sends out gas with great force(石油、天然气)发生井喷[G]v+adv'blowout n 15.an occasion when a tyre bursts on a vehicle while it is being driven(机动车行驶过程中的)爆胎16.an occasion when oil or gas suddenly escapes from an oil well井喷17.(BrE,informal) a large meal at which people eat too much大餐; 盛宴18.(AmE, informal) a large party or social occasion盛大聚会;交谊会see also BLOWOUT at BLOW SB OUT,blow 'out; ,blow sth 'out 19.if a flame blows out or sb/sth blows it out, it is put out by the wind or some air被(风等)吹灭;熄灭:There was a sudden gust of wind and the candle blew out.突如其来的一阵风把蜡烛吹灭了。She took a deep breath and blew out all the candles.她深吸一口气,把所有的蜡烛都吹灭了。20.if a window blows out, or an explosion, etc. blows it out, the force makes it fall out(窗户)被炸掉,被炸开:All the windows blew out in the blast.爆炸把所有的窗户都炸飞了。The explosion blew out the windows in the building.爆炸把楼房的窗户炸破了。[G]v+adv ◆ v+adv+n ◆ v+n/pron+adv,blow sb 'out (AmE, informal, sport)21.to defeat sb easily轻易击败某人:The home team blew out the Suns by 30 points.主队以30 分的优势把太阳队一举打败。[G]v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n'blowout n (AmE, informal, sport)22.an easy victory轻易的胜利see also BLOWOUT at BLOW OUT,blow sth 'out 23.to breathe sth out from your mouth吹出;呼出:She inhaled and then blew the smoke out.她吸了一口,接着吐出了烟。[synonym]exhale sth24.to fill sth, especially your cheeks,with air鼓起(腮帮子等) :She blew out her cheeks in exasperation.她生气地鼓起腮帮子。[OBJ]cheeks[G]v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+nblow your/sb’s 'brains out (informal)25.to kill yourself/sb by shooting yourself/them in the head枪击头部自杀/杀人,blow itself 'out 26.if a storm blows itself out, it loses its force and stops(风暴)平息,减弱:By morning the storm had blown itself out.到早上时风暴就平息了。[G]v+pron+adv,blow 'over 27.if a storm blows over, it becomes less strong and stops(风暴)颳过去了,平静下来:We sheltered in a barn until the storm blew over.我们躲在一处仓房里,直到风暴平息。[synonym]die down;subside28.if sth such as an argumentblows over, it becomes less important and is forgotten(争吵等)平息,被忘掉:Don’t come back to work until the argument has blown over.等争论平息后再回来工作。[synonym]subside[G]v+adv,blow 'over; ,blow sb/sth 'over 29.if sb/sth blows over or the wind blows sb/sth over, they fall to the ground because of the force of the wind(被)颳倒:One of the trees had blown over in the storm.有一棵树在风暴中颳倒了。The fence had been blown over in a storm.篱笆在一次风暴中颳倒了。30.[NOTE]Blow sb/sth over is often used in the passive. blow sb/sth over 常用于被动语态:Pedestrians were blown over in gale force winds today.今天大风级的风把行人颳得站立不稳。[G]v+adv ◆ v+n/pron+adv,blow 'up 31.to explode; to be destroyed by an explosion爆炸;被炸毁:The bomb blew up as experts tried to defuse it.专家们试图拆除引信时炸弹爆炸了。The car blew up when it hit the wall.汽车撞墙后炸毁了。[synonym]explode (more formal)32.to start suddenly and with force爆发:A storm blew up just after the ship left port.轮船刚离开港口便狂风大作。A row has blown up over the leaking of information to the press.向新闻界透露消息引发了一场争论。[opposite]die down33.(at sb) (informal) to become very angry(对某人)动肝火,动怒:My mum blew up at my dad for keeping me up so late.妈妈对爸爸大发雷霆,因为他这么晚还不让我去睡觉。His attitude annoyed me and I blew up.他的态度令我讨厌,于是我发火了。[G]v+advblow up in sb’s 'face 34.if a plan, a deal or a situation blows up in your face, it goes very badly wrong and causes you harm or embarrassment(计划、交易、状况等)造成损害,令人难堪'blow-up n 35.(especially AmE) an explosion爆炸36.(AmE) an occasion when sb becomes very angry; an argument勃然大怒;争吵:The tensions between them ended in a big blow-up.他们之间的紧张关系最终使他们大吵一场。see also BLOW-UP at BLOW STH UP,blow sb/sth 'up 37.to kill sb or destroy sth with a bomb or an explosion炸死(某人);炸毁(某物):The hijackers threatened to blow the plane up.劫机者威胁说要炸掉飞机。A judge in Italy was blown up by a car bomb last week.上个星期一名法官在意大利被汽车炸弹炸死了。38.[NOTE]Blow sb/sth up is often used in the passive. blow sb/sth up 常用于被动语态。[G]v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n,blow sth 'up 39.to fill sth with air or gas给(某物)充气:You need to blow up the tyres on your bike.你该给自行车轮胎打气了。[OBJ]balloon,tyre[synonym]inflate sth (more formal)[opposite]let sth down 40.to make sth larger放大:What a lovely photo! Why don’t you have it blown up? 多可爱的照片!你为什么不把它放大呢? [OBJ]photo[synonym]enlarge sth (more formal)41.to make sth seem more important, better or worse than it really is夸大; 夸张:The whole affair has been blown up out of all proportion .整个事件被渲染得太过了。[synonym]exaggerate sth (more formal)[G]v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n'blow-up n 42.a larger picture made from a photo or picture放大了的照片(或图像):The blowup showed a scar on the attacker’s cheek.放大的照片显示出攻击者面颊上有块伤疤。see also BLOW-UP at BLOW UP'blow-up adj 43.[only before noun] that you can fill with air or gas可充气的see also BLOW-UP at BLOW UP

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