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rakerake[reɪk],rake sth 'in (informal)1.to earn large amounts of money without difficulty轻易地赚大钱:The company rakes in about £190 million.公司轻松地赚了大概1.9 亿英镑。Since she moved to London she’s been raking it in .她从搬到伦敦以来钱赚得数不清。[G]v+adv+n ◆ v+pron+adv ◆ v+n+adv (less frequent),rake 'over sth (BrE, informal, disapproving)2.to examine sth that happened in the past in great detail and keep talking about it, when it should be forgotten翻开﹙前尘旧事﹚;在﹙往事﹚上纠缠:There’s no point in raking over the events of the past.活在往事里是没有意义的。[OBJ]the past[G]v+preprake over old 'coals/ 'ashes3.to discuss sth that happened in the past in detail, when it should be forgotten﹙无谓地﹚重提旧事rake sb over the 'coals(AmE) (BrE haul sb over the 'coals)4.to criticize sb severely because they have done sth wrong严厉训斥﹙或斥责﹚,rake sth 'up 5.to talk about sth unpleasant that has happened in the past, which people would like to forget重提﹙令人不快的﹚往事:I didn’t come here to rake up old arguments.我来这里不是要重提以前的争吵。6.to collect sth into a pile using a tool with a long handle and a row of metal points at the end (a rake )用耙子使……聚拢;把……耙成堆:I raked up all the leaves.我把树叶全耙拢了。[G]v+adv+n ◆ v+n/pron+adv

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