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reportreport[rɪˈpɔːt]re'port 'back 1.(to sb) (on sb/sth ) to give a spoken or written account of some information that you were asked to find out about﹙向某人﹚汇报:I have to report back to the manager on our progress.我得向经理汇报我们的进展。2.(to…) to return to a place, especially in order to start work again返回﹙工作岗位等﹚:When do you have to report back for duty? 你什么时候归队?[G]v+advre'port 'in (to sb/sth)3.to contact sb to let them know where you are or what you are doing报告,汇报﹙方位或工作情况﹚:The officer briefly reported in (to the police station).那位警察向警察局简单报告了情况。re'port to sb 4.(business) (not used in the progressive tenses 不用于进行时) if you report to sb in a company or an organization, they are responsible for your work and tell you what to do隶属;从属;向……负责:She reports directly to the chief executive.她直接向总经理汇报工作。A new team will be put together for the project, reporting to Julia Healey.这个项目将组建一支新队伍,由朱莉娅·希利负责。[G]v+prep

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