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resolveresolve[rɪˈzɒlv]re'solve into sth;re'solve sth into sth 1.to separate or to be separated into its parts分成﹙若干部份﹚:The design resolved into a number of different patterns.设计图分成若干不同的图案。a lawyer’s ability to resolve facts into their legal categories 律师按照法律将事实分门别类的能力[G]v+prep ◆ v+pron+prepre'solve into sth;re'solve itself/themselves into sth2.if sth you see or hear at a distanceresolves into sth or resolves itself into sth, you gradually see it or hear it clearly as a particular thing﹙远处景物、响声等﹚逐渐呈现为……:The grey shape resolved into a group of walkers.灰色的影子慢慢呈现为一群走路的人。The white light resolved itself into the headlights of a car.白色灯光逐渐呈现为一辆汽车的前灯。3.to gradually become or be understood as sth逐步变成;逐渐被理解为:The discussion eventually resolved itself into two main issues.讨论后来集中在两大主要议题上。The question resolves itself into whether individuals should be allowed to choose such a course of action.问题逐步被解释为是否应该允许个人选择这种做法。[G]v+prep ◆ v+pron+prep

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