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rushrush[rʌʃ],rush a'round; ,rush a'round sth(BrE also ,rush a'bout/ 'round, ,rush a'bout/ 'round sth) 1.to move very quickly from place to place, being very busy忙个不停:I’ve been rushing around all day.我整整一天忙得团团转。He rushed about the room tidying.他跑来跑去收拾着房间。[synonym]run around,run around sth;tear around, tear around sth[G]v+adv,rush 'in 2.to do or decide sth very quickly, often without thinking about it for long enough贸然行事;仓促决定:He’s very wary of rushing in and making changes.他十分慎重, 不肯贸然改变。[G]v+adv ◆ v+prepfools rush in (where angels fear to tread) 3.used to say that people with little experience will try to do the difficult or dangerous things that people with more experience would not do无知者无畏,rush 'into sth; ,rush 'into doing sth; ,rush sb 'into doing sth 4.to do or decide sth quickly without thinking about it carefully; to make sb do this﹙使﹚贸然行事,仓促决定:Don’t go rushing into anything.不要贸然采取任何行动。You shouldn’t rush into getting married.你不应该仓促结婚。She won’t be rushed into a decision.她不会迫于仓卒作决定的。Don’t let anyone rush you into accepting the job.不要受任何人的影响以致匆匆接受那份工作。[G]v+prep ◆ v+n/pron+prep,rush 'off 5.to leave quickly迅速离开:Don’t rush off, I haven’t finished.别忙着走,我还没说完呢。[G]v+adv,rush sth 'out 6.to produce sth very quickly仓促生产;赶制:They rushed out the posters in time for the festival.他们及时为庆祝活动赶制出海报。The book was rushed out by the publishers.出版商匆匆发行了这本书。[G]v+adv+n ◆ v+n/pron+adv,rush 'round; ,rush 'round sth (BrE)=RUSH AROUND,RUSH AROUND STH,rush sth 'through; ,rush sth 'through sth7.to make sth become official policy, etc. much quicker than normal赶快通过﹙ 使成为政策等﹚ :The legislation has been rushed through.这条法规匆匆通过了。They rushed the bill through Parliament.他们使议案在议会仓促通过。[OBJ]bill,legislation[G]v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n (rare) ◆ v+n/pron+prep

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