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saddlesaddle[ˈsad(ə)l],saddle 'up; ,saddle sth 'up1.to prepare to ride a horse by placing a leather seat (a saddle ) on it给﹙马﹚备鞍:Have you saddled up the horses yet? 你给马套好鞍了吗?Saddle up, we’re leaving right away.备鞍,我们马上就走。[OBJ]horse[G]v+adv ◆ v+adv+n ◆ v+n/pron+adv'saddle sb/yourself with sb/sth;'saddle sb/yourself with doing sth 2.to give sb/yourself a difficult or unpleasant task or responsibility to deal with使某人﹙或自己﹚担负重活儿﹙或讨厌的工作、责任﹚:I’ve been saddled with my brother’s kids for the weekend }(= I have to take care of them)&b{.我这个周末要照看我哥哥的孩子。He had saddled himself with huge debts.他背上了巨大的债务I’ve been saddled with organizing the conference.我被指派担当组织会议的繁杂任务。[synonym]land sb/yourself with sb/sth,land sb/yourself with doing sth3.[NOTE]Saddle sb with sb/sth is often used in the passive. saddle sb with sb/sth 常用于被动语态。[G]v+n/pron+prep

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