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scarescare[skɛː],scare sb/sth a'way/ 'off 1.to make sb/sth leave or stay away by frightening them把…吓跑:She used a whistle to scare away her attacker.她吹响哨子吓跑了攻击她的人。The noise scared the birds off.响声惊飞了鸟儿。[synonym]frighten sb/sth away/off (especially BrE)[G]v+adv+n ◆ v+n/pron+adv'scare sb into sth;'scare sb into doing sth2.to make sb do sth by frightening them威胁,恐吓﹙使某人做某事﹚:Her threats finally scared him into action.她的威胁最终使他采取了行动。He was scared into signing a confession.他迫于威胁在供状上签了字。[G]v+n/pron+prep,scare sb 'off 3.to accidentally make sb afraid of or nervous about sth they were planning to do吓退;吓跑:Many investors were scared off by the rumours.很多投资者都给传闻吓跑了。Don’t act too interested or you’ll scare him off }(= a boyfriend)&b{.别表现得太投入,否则你会把他吓跑的。[synonym]frighten sb off (especially BrE)[G]v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n,scare sb/sth 'off=SCARE SB/STH AWAY/OFF ,scare 'up sth; ,scare it, him, etc. 'up (AmE,informal)4.to find sb/sth or to make sth by using whatever is available﹙就现有材料﹚勉强凑合:I’ll see if I can scare up enough chairs for us all.我来看看能不能给大家凑够椅子。I’ll try to scare up some friends to come and help us.我尽量拉些朋友来帮帮忙。5.[NOTE]A noun must always follow up, but a pronoun comes between the verb and up .名词必须放在up 之后,但代词放在动词和up 之间。[G]v+adv+n ◆ v+pron+adv (less frequent)

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