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(也作 c), (pl. Cs 或 C's)
1. third letter of the alphabet
• 英语字母表中第三个字母
  denoting the third in a set of items, categories, sizes, etc
• 丙,C项,C类,C号(一组项目、分类、尺码等的第三位)
  denoting the third of three or more hypothetical people or things
• (假设的第三人或第三例)C,丙
  the third-highest class of academic mark
• (学业成绩)C等,丙等
  denoting an intermediate socio-economic category for marketing purposes, including the majority of white-collar [C1] and skilled blue-collar personnel [C2]
• 第三类,中间类(为市场营销而划分的社会经济类别中的中间类别,包括大多数白领,即C1,及技术蓝领人员,即C2)
  (c)[Chess] denoting the third file from the left of a chessboard, as viewed from White's side of the board
[棋] (从执白方左边数过来的)第三列
  [一般作 c] the third fixed constant to appear in an algebraic expression, or a known constant
• 第三已知量
  denoting the lowest soil horizon, comprising parent materials
• 最低土层
2. a shape like that of a letter C
• C字形
 »[in combination] C-springs.
3. [一般作 C] [Music] the first note of the diatonic scale of C major, the major scale having no sharps or flats
[乐] C音,C调(C大调音阶中的第一音)
  a key based on a scale with C as its keynote
• C音键
1. the Roman numeral for 100
• (罗马数字)一百
2. [C] [mass noun] a computer programming language originally developed for implementing the UNIX operating system
• (计算机程序中的)C 语言

for abbreviation
  [C.] Cape (chiefly on maps)
• 同 Cape (多见于地图)
 »C. Hatteras.
  Celsius or centigrade
• 同 Celsius centigrade
  (in names of sports clubs) City
• [用于体育俱乐部名称中]同 City
 »Lincoln C.
  [C.] [Brit.] Command Paper (second series, 1870–99)
[英] Command Paper (第二系列,1870–1899)
  (in Britain) Conservative
• (英国)同 Conservative
• 同 copyright
  [Physics] coulomb(s)
• 同 coulomb coulombs
  Cuba (international vehicle registration)
• (国际车辆注册用语)同 Cuba
for symbol
  [Physics] capacitance
[物理] 电容
  the chemical element carbon
• (化学元素)碳
the Big C
1. [informal] cancer


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