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capital capital
/ 5kApitl /

1. (也作 capital city 或 town)the most important city or town of a country or region, usually its seat of government and administrative centre
• 首都;首府
  [with modifier] a place associated more than any other with a specified activity or product
• (某种活动或产品的)重要城市
 »Milan is the fashion capital of the world.
2. [mass noun] wealth in the form of money or other assets owned by a person or organization or available or contributed for a particular purpose such as starting a company or investing
• 资本,资金
 »the senior partner would provide the initial capital.
 »rates of return on invested capital were high.
  the excess of a company's assets over its liabilities
• 公司资产净值
  people who possess wealth and use it to control a society's economic activity, considered collectively
• 资本家,资方
 »a conflict of interest between capital and labour.
  [with modifier] (figurative)a valuable resource of a particular kind
[喻] 资本(有某种价值的资源)
 »there is insufficient investment in human capital.
3. (也作 capital letter)a letter of the size and form used to begin sentences and names
• 大写字母
 »he wrote the name in capitals.
1. [attrib.] (of an offence or charge) liable to the death penalty
• (犯罪,控告)可判死刑的
 »murder is the only capital crime in the state.
2. [attrib.] (of a letter of the alphabet) large in size and of the form used to begin sentences and names
• (字母)大写的
3. (informal, dated)excellent
[非正式,旧] 极好的
 »he's a really capital fellow.
1. [Brit. informal, dated] used to express approval, satisfaction, or delight
[英,非正式,旧] 太好了(用来表示同意、满意或高兴)
 »That's splendid! Capital!.
make capital out of
1. use to one's own advantage
• 利用
 »trying to make political capital out of the weakness of his rival.
with a capital —
1. used to give emphasis to the word or concept in question
• 真正地,名副其实地(用来强调问题中的某个词或概念)
 »she was ugly with a capital U.
capitally adverb
1. Middle English (as an adjective in the sense 'relating to the head or top', later 'standing at the head or beginning'): via Old French from Latin capitalis, from caput 'head'
1. [Architecture] the distinct, typically broader section at the head of a pillar or column
[建筑] 柱头,柱顶
1. Middle English: from Old French capitel, from late Latin capitellum 'little head', diminutive of Latin caput


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