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circle circle
/ 5sE:kl /

1. a round plane figure whose boundary (the circumference) consists of points equidistant from a fixed point (the centre)
• 圆
  the line enclosing such a figure
• 圆周
  something in the shape of such a figure
• 圈,环状物
 »the lamp spread a circle of light.
  a group of people or things arranged to form such a figure
• 一圈(人或物)
 »they all sat round in a circle.
  a movement or series of movements which follows the approximate circumference of such a figure
• 一圈(动作或系列动作)
 »describing a large circle, she arrived back at the camp.
  a dark circular mark below each eye, typically caused by illness or tiredness
• (尤指疾病、疲劳导致的)黑眼圈
  a curved upper tier of seats in a theatre or cinema
• (戏院、影院的)楼厅。
--› see dress circle
  [Archaeology] . short for stone circle
[考古] stone circle 的简称
  [Hockey] . short for striking circle
[曲棍球] striking circle 的简称
2. a group of people with a shared profession, interests, or acquaintances
• (具有共同职业、利益、熟人的)圈子,集团
 »she did not normally move in such exalted circles.
1. [with obj.] move all the way around (someone or something), especially more than once and in the air
• (尤指在空中多次)环绕(某人,某物)
 »they were circling Athens airport.
 »[as adj. circling] a circling helicopter.
 »[no obj.] we circled round the island.
  [no obj.] (circle back)move in a wide loop back towards one's starting point
• 绕圈折返
  (often be circled)form a ring around
• 将…环绕
 »the abbey was circled by a huge wall.
  draw a line around
• 画圈
 »circle the correct answers.
circle the wagons
1. [N. Amer. informal] (of a group) unite in defence of a common interest
[北美, 非正式] (集团)为保障共同利益团结起来
come [或turn] full circle
1. return to a past position or situation, especially in a way considered to be inevitable
• 尤指不可避免地)兜了一圈,仍回到原位
go round in circles
1. [informal] do something for a long time without achieving anything but purposeless repetition
[非正式] 在原地兜圈子;长时间反复进行毫无进展
 »the discussion went round and round in circles.
run round in circles
1. [informal] be fussily busy with little result
[非正式] 空忙;无事忙
the wheel has turned [或come] full circle
1. the situation has returned to what it was in the past, as if completing a cycle
• 事情转了一大圈,还是回到了原来的样子
1. Old English, from Old French cercle, from Latin circulus 'small ring', diminutive of circus 'ring'


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