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compact compact
/ kEm5pAkt / vt. & vi., adj. / 5kCmpAkt / n.

1. closely and neatly packed together; dense
• 紧密的;坚实的;密集的
 »a compact cluster of houses.
  having all the necessary components or features neatly fitted into a small space
• 致密的;紧凑的;小巧的,袖珍的
 »this compact car has plenty of boot space.
  (of a person or animal) small, solid, and well proportioned
• (人,动物)矮小结实的;壮实的
  (of speech or writing) concise in expression
• (演讲,文学作品)简洁的,简练的
 »a compact summary of the play.
2. [predic.] (compact of)(archaic)composed or made up of
[古] 由…组成的
 »towns compact of wooden houses.
1. [with obj.] [常作 be compacted] exert force on (something) so that it becomes more dense; compress
• 使紧密;使坚实;使密集;压紧;压缩
 »the rubbish was taken to the depot to be compacted.
 »[as adj. compacted] compacted earth.
  [no obj.] (of a substance) become compressed in this way
• (物质)变紧密;变坚实
 »the snow hardened and compacted.
  (archaic)form (something) by pressing its component parts firmly together
[古] 紧密地形成;坚实地组成
 »the foundation of the walls, compacted of Moor-stone and Lime.
  express in fewer words; condense
• 缩短;使简洁;精简
 »the ideas are compacted into two sentences.
1. a small flat case containing face powder, a mirror, and a powder puff
• 连镜小粉盒
2. something that is a small and conveniently shaped example of its kind, in particular[N. Amer.] . short for compact car
• 小巧紧凑之物;袖珍物,尤指[北美] compact car 的简称
  short for compact camera
• compact camera 的简称
3. [Metallurgy] a mass of powdered metal compacted together in preparation for sintering
[冶] 坯块
compaction noun
compactly adverb
compactness noun
compactor noun
1. late Middle English: from Latin compact- 'closely put together, joined', from the verb compingere, from com- 'together' + pangere 'fasten'
1. a formal agreement or contract between two or more parties
• 协定;合同,契约
1. [with obj.] make or enter into (a formal agreement) with another party or parties
• 订立(或签订)(协定)
 »the Democratic Party compacted an alliance with dissident groups.
1. late 16th cent.: from Latin compactum, past participle of compacisci, from com- 'with' + pacisci 'make a covenant'.
--› compare pact


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