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country country
/ 5kQntri /

(pl. -ies)
1. a nation with its own government, occupying a particular territory
• 国;国家
 »the country's increasingly precarious economic position.
  (the country)the people of a nation
• 国民;人民;民众
 »the whole country took to the streets.
  the land of a person's birth or citizenship
• 祖国;故土;国土
 »both my native and adopted countries are at war with yours.
2. [常作 the country] districts and small settlements outside large towns, cities, or the capital
• 乡村;乡下;城郊
 »the airfield is right out in the country.
 »[as modifier] a country lane.
3. [mass noun] an area or region with regard to its physical features
• (按地理特点划分的)地区;区域
 »a tract of wild country.
  a region associated with a particular person, especially a writer, or with a particular work
• (与某人,尤其是某作家或某作品相关的)地区;区域
 »an old mansion in Stevenson's ‘Kidnapped’ country.
across country
1. not keeping to roads
• 不沿着大路;穿过田野
 »their route was across country, through fields of corn.
go (或 appeal) to the country
1. [Brit.] test public opinion by dissolving Parliament and holding a general election
[英] (解散议会)举行普选
line of country
1. [Brit.] a subject in which a person is skilled or knowledgeable
[英] 精通的领域
1. Middle English: from Old French cuntree, from medieval Latin contrata (terra) ('land) lying opposite', from Latin contra 'against, opposite'


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