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about about
/ E5baut /

1. on the subject of; concerning
• 关于,有关
 »I was thinking about you.
 »I asked him about his beliefs.
  so as to affect
• 对于,在…方面
 »there's nothing we can do about it.
  (be about)be involved or to do with; have the intention of
• 涉及;为了
 »it's all about having fun.
2. used to indicate movement within a particular area
[表示在特定区域内移动] 在…各处,围绕着
 »she looked about the room.
3. used to express location in a particular place
[表示在特定场所的方位] 在…中各处
 »rugs strewn about the hall.
 »he produced a knife from somewhere about his person.
  used to describe a quality apparent in a person
[描述某人表露出的某种情状] 在…上显出
 »there was a look about her that said everything.
1. used to indicate movement within an area
[表示在某个区域内移动] 各处,到处
 »men were floundering about.
 »finding my way about.
2. used to express location in a particular place
[表达在特定场所的位置] 在里面各处,四下
 »there was a lot of flu about.
 »a thief about in the hotel.
3. (used with a number or quantity) approximately
[与数目或数量连用] 大概,大约
 »reduced by about 5 per cent.
 »he's about 35.
about to do something
1. intending to do something or close to doing something very soon
• 想要,就要(做某事)
 »the ceremony was about to begin.
be not about to do something
1. be unwilling to do something
• 不愿意(做某事)
 »he is not about to step down after so long.
be on about --› see on
how about --› see how
just about --› see just
know what one is about
1. [informal] be aware of the implications of one's actions or of a situation, and of how best to deal with them
[非正式] 明白,知道,心中有数
what about --› see what
1. Old English onbūtan, from on 'in, on' + būtan 'outside of' (see but )


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