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along along
/ E5lCN /

preposition & adverb
1. moving in a constant direction on (a path or any more or less horizontal surface)
• 沿着,顺着,循
 »[as prep.] soon we were driving along a narrow road.
 »he saw Gray run along the top of the wall.
 »[as adv.] she sailed along.
 »we continued to plod along.
  used metaphorically to refer to the passage of time or the making of progress
[隐喻用法] (时间)在…期间,(事件)进展
 »[as prep.] they can be helped along the road to modernity.
 »you'll pick up some valuable tips along the way.
 »[as adv.] they asked how the construction was coming along.
2. [prep.] extending in a more or less horizontal line on
• (或多或少水平)延伸,沿着
 »cars were parked along the grass verge.
 »the path along the cliff.
 »hotels are springing up all along the coast.
3. [adverb] in or into company with others
• 带来,与…一起
 »he had brought along a friend of his.
along about
1. [N. Amer. informal or dialect] round about (a specified time or date)
[北美,非正式或 方] 大约(某特定时间或日期),…左右
 »we could head out along about six.
along with
1. in company with or at the same time as
• 连同…一起,同时
 »I was chosen, along with twelve other artists.
be (或 come) along
1. arrive
• 来到,到达
 »she'll be along soon.
1. Old English andlang, of West Germanic origin; related to long


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