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die die
/ dai /

(dying), [no obj.]
1. (of a person, animal, or plant) stop living
• (人,动植物)死,死亡
 »he died of Aids.
 »trees are dying from acid rain.
 »[with obj.] the king died a violent death.
  (die for)be killed for (a cause)
• 为…捐躯(或献身)
 »they were prepared to die for their country.
  [with complement] have a specified status at the time of one's death
• 死时处于某种状况
 »the inventor died a pauper.
  (die out)become extinct
• 灭绝
 »many species died out.
  be forgotten
• 被遗忘
 »her genius has assured her name will never die.
  [with adverbial] become less loud or strong
• 变低;变弱
 »after a while, the noise died down.
  (of a fire or light) stop burning or gleaming
• (火,光)熄灭;灭
  [informal] (of a machine) stop functioning
[非正式] (机器)不运转
 »three toasters have died on me.
  (poetic/literary)have an orgasm
[诗/文] 极度兴奋,达到高潮
2. [informal] used to emphasize that one wants to do or have something very much
[非正式] 渴望,非常想要(或想做)(用来表示强调)
 »they must be dying for a drink.
 »[with infinitive] he's dying to meet you.
  [informal] used to emphasize how keenly one feels something
[非正式] 极其,非常(用来强调强烈感受)
 »I'm simply dying of thirst.
3. [informal] used to emphasize feelings of shock, embarrassment, amusement, or misery
[非正式] 震惊(或尴尬、快乐、痛苦)得要死(用来表示强调)
 »I nearly died when I saw them.
 »we nearly died laughing when he told us.
die a (或 the death)
1. [informal]
[非正式] 见 death
die hard
1. disappear or change very slowly
• 消失(或改变)得很慢
 »old habits die hard.
die in the bed
1. undergo death from natural causes
• 自然死亡
die in harness
1. die before retirement
• 退休前死去
 »don't concern yourself with the pension fund—musicians mostly die in harness.
die like flies --› see fly
die on one's feet
1. [informal] come to a sudden or premature end
[非正式] 突然死亡;早逝,夭折
 »the critics said the show would die on its feet.
die on the vine
1. be unsuccessful at an early stage
• 早期就失败,夭折
die with one's boots on --› see boot
never say die
1. used to encourage someone not to give up hope in a difficult situation
• 别灰心,别放弃(用于鼓励身处困境的人)
to die for
1. [informal] extremely good or desirable
[非正式] 好极了的;非常满意的
 »the ice creams are to die for.
1. Middle English: from Old Norse deyja, of Germanic origin; related to dead
(pl. dies)
1. singular form of dice
• dice 的单数
  [Architecture] the cubical part of a pedestal between the base and the cornice; a dado or plinth
[建筑] (底部和屋檐之间的)方形墩身,方形勒脚
2. (pl. dies)a device for cutting or moulding metal into a particular shape
• 模具
  an engraved device for stamping a design on coins or medals
• (在硬币或奖章上压花纹的)冲模,压模
the die is cast
1. an event has happened or a decision has been taken that cannot be changed
• 木已成舟;事情已经发生(或决定已经作出),无法改变
(as) straight as a die
1. absolutely straight
• 笔直的
  entirely open and honest
• 非常坦率的;非常诚实的
 »she was as straight as a die.
1. Middle English: from Old French de, from Latin datum 'something given or played', neuter past participle of dare
1. In modern standard English, the singular die (rather than dice) is uncommon. Dice is used for both the singular and the plural


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