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doctor doctor
/ 5dCktE /

1. a person who is qualified to treat people who are ill
• 医生;大夫
  [N. Amer.] a qualified dentist or veterinary surgeon
[北美] 牙医;兽医
  (in southern Africa) a person practising traditional African healing arts
• (南非)以传统医术治病的医生
  [with modifier] [informal] a person who gives advice or makes improvements
[非正式] 建议者;改进者
 »the script doctor rewrote the original.
2. [Doctor] a person who holds the highest university degree
• 博士
 »he was made a Doctor of Divinity.
  short for Doctor of the Church
• Doctor of the Church的简称
  (archaic)a teacher or learned person
[古] 教师;博学的人
 »the wisest doctor is gravelled by the inquisitiveness of a child.
3. an artificial fishing fly
• (钓鱼用的)人造蝇
4. [Austral./NZ informal] a cook on board a ship or in a camp or station
[澳/新西兰,非正式] 船上(或营地、驻扎地)的厨师
5. [with modifier] a cool onshore breeze that blows regularly in a particular warm location
• (热带地区的)凉爽海风。
--› see Cape doctor
 »the Perth doctor blows towards evening off the Indian Ocean.
verb, [with obj.]
1. change the content or appearance of (a document or picture) in order to deceive; falsify
• 篡改(文件,照片);伪造
 »the reports could have been doctored.
  alter the content of (a drink, food, or substance) by adding strong or harmful ingredients
• 在(饮料、食物等)中加入浓烈(或有害)的成分
 »he denied doctoring Stephen's drinks.
  [Cricket & Baseball] tamper with (a ball) so as to affect its flight when bowled or pitched
[板球,棒球] 干扰(球)
2. [usu. as noun doctoring] [informal] treat (someone) medically
[非正式] 给(某人)看病
 »he contemplated giving up doctoring.
  [常作 be doctored] [Brit.] remove the sexual organs of (an animal) so that it cannot reproduce
[英] 阉割(动物)
  [一般作 be doctored] repair (a machine)
• 修理(机器)
be (just) what the doctor ordered
1. [informal] be very beneficial or desirable under the circumstances
[非正式] 有利的,如意的
 »a 2-0 victory is just what the doctor ordered.
go for the doctor
1. [Austral. informal] make an all-out effort
[澳,非正式] 尽最大努力
 »he will go for the doctor in Parliament next week.
doctorly adjective
1. Middle English (in the senses 'learned person' and 'Doctor of the Church'): via Old French from Latin doctor 'teacher' (from docere 'teach')


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