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dummy dummy
/ 5dQmi: /

(pl. -ies)
1. a model or replica of a human being
• 假人,模特儿,人体模型
 »a waxwork dummy.
  a figure used for displaying or fitting clothes
• (陈列服装的)人体模型,
 »a tailor's dummy.
  a ventriloquist's doll
• (腹语表演者的)假人
  a person taking no real part or present only for appearances; a figurehead
• 挂名者,虚设者;傀儡
  [Bridge] the declarer's partner, whose cards are exposed on the table after the opening lead and played by the declarer
[桥牌] 明手
  [Bridge] the exposed hand of the declarer's partner
[桥牌] 明手牌
  an imaginary fourth player in whist
• (惠斯特牌中的)虚拟搭档
 »[as modifier] dummy whist.
2. an object designed to resemble and serve as a substitute for the real or usual one
• 仿制品,仿造物;仿制样品,空壳样品
 »tests using stuffed owls and wooden dummies.
 »[as modifier] a dummy torpedo.
  [Brit.] a rubber or plastic teat for a baby to suck on
[英] 橡皮奶嘴
  a prototype or mock-up, especially of a book or the layout of a page
• (尤指书或页面的)空白样本(或样张);装帧样本
  a blank round of ammunition
• 空包弹
  [as modifier] [Grammar] denoting a word that has no semantic content but is used to maintain grammatical structure
[语法] 假代的,形式的(只有语法功能而无语义的)
 »a dummy subject as in ‘it is’ or ‘there are’.
  如在‘it is’ 或 ‘there are’中的形式主语。
3. (chiefly in rugby and soccer) a feigned pass or kick intended to deceive an opponent
• (主要指橄榄球及英式足球)假传球(或踢球)动作
4. (informal, chiefly N. Amer.)a stupid person
[非正式,主北美] 笨蛋,蠢人
(-ies, -ied)
1. [no obj.] (chiefly in rugby and soccer) feign a pass or kick in order to deceive an opponent
• (主要指橄榄球及英式足球)做假传球(或踢球)动作
 »Blanco dummied past a static defence.
sell someone a dummy
1. (chiefly in rugby and soccer) deceive an opponent by feigning a pass or kick
• (主要指橄榄球及英式足球)以假传球(或踢球)动作来迷惑某人
1. late 16th cent.: from dumb + -y. The original sense was 'a person who cannot speak', then 'an imaginary fourth player in whist' (mid 18th cent.), whence 'a substitute for the real thing' and 'a model of a human being' (mid 19th cent.)
dummy up
1. [N. Amer. informal] keep quiet; give no information
[北美,非正式] 不吭声,充哑巴


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