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dynamic dynamic
/ dai5nAmik /

1. (of a process or system) characterized by constant change, activity, or progress
• (过程,系统)动态的;不断变化的
 »a dynamic economy.
  (of a person) positive in attitude and full of energy and new ideas
• (人)有活力的,生气勃勃的
 »she's dynamic and determined.
  (of a thing) stimulating development or progress
• (某物)刺激发展(或进步)的,动力的
 »the dynamic forces of nature.
  [Physics] of or relating to forces producing motion
[物理] (与)动力(有关)的。 常与 static 相对
  [Linguistics] (of a verb) expressing an action, activity, event, or process
[语言学] (动词)动态的。 与 stative 相对
  [Electronics] (of a memory device) needing to be refreshed by the periodic application of a voltage
[电子] (存储器)动态的
2. [Music] relating to the volume of sound produced by an instrument, voice, or recording
[乐] (音)力度的;力度记号的
 »an astounding dynamic range.
1. a force that stimulates change or progress within a system or process
• 动力
 »evaluation is part of the basic dynamic of the project.
2. [Music] . another term for dynamics (in sense 3)
[乐] dynamics (义项3)
dynamical adjective
dynamically adverb
1. early 19th cent. (as a term in physics): from French dynamique, from Greek dunamikos, from dunamis 'power'


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