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east east
/ i:st /

noun, [一般作 the east]
1. the direction towards the point of the horizon where the sun rises at the equinoxes, on the right-hand side of a person facing north, or the point on the horizon itself
• 东;东方
 »a gale was blowing from the east.
 »the Atlantic Ocean to the east of Florida.
  the compass point corresponding to this
• (罗盘上的)正东
2. the eastern part of the world or of a specified country, region, or town
• (世界、国家、地区或城市的)东部
 »a factory in the east of the city.
  [一般作 the East] the regions or countries lying to the east of Europe, especially China, Japan, and India
• 东方国家,亚洲国家,东方(欧洲以东的国家或地区,尤指中国、日本和印度)
 »the mysterious East.
  [一般作 the East] (historical)the former communist states of eastern Europe
[史] 原东欧共产主义国家
3. [East] [as name] [Bridge] the player sitting to the left of North and partnering West
[桥牌] 东家(坐在东首与西首结对的人)
adjective, [attrib.]
1. lying towards, near, or facing the east
• 朝东的;近东的;面朝东的
 »the hospital's east wing.
  (of a wind) blowing from the east
• (风)从东面吹来的
  situated in the part of a church containing the altar or high altar, usually the actual east
• 在教堂圣坛一端的(圣坛一般设在教堂东端)
2. of or denoting the eastern part of a specified area, city, or country or its inhabitants
• (地区、城市国家或其居民)东部的
 »East Fife.
 »East African.
1. to or towards the east
• 在东方;向东方
 »travelling east, he met two men.
 »the river rises east of Brentford.
1. Old English ēast-, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch oost and German ost, from an Indo-European root shared by Latin aurora, Greek auōs 'dawn'


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