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effect effect
/ i5fekt /

1. a change which is a result or consequence of an action or other cause
• 结果;作用;影响
 »the lethal effects of hard drugs.
 »[mass noun] politicians really do have some effect on the lives of ordinary people.
  [mass noun] used to refer to the state of being or becoming operative
• 实行,生效,起作用
 »the ban is to take effect in six months.
 »he resigned with effect from 1 June.
  [mass noun] the extent to which something succeeds or is operative
• 效力,作用
 »wind power can be used to great effect.
  [with modifier] [Physics] a physical phenomenon, typically named after its discoverer
[物理] 效应(尤以发现者命名)
 »the Renner effect.
  an impression produced in the mind of a person
• 感受,印象
 »gentle music can have a soothing effect.
2. (effects)the lighting, sound, or scenery used in a play, film, or broadcast
• (戏剧、电影或广播的灯光、音响或布景的)效果
 »the production relied too much on spectacular effects.
3. (effects)personal belongings
• 私人财产
 »the insurance covers personal effects.
1. [with obj.] cause (something) to happen; bring about
• 使发生;实现,实行;造成,导致
 »the prime minister effected a great many policy changes.
for effect
1. in order to impress people
• 为使人印象深刻
 »I suspect he's controversial for effect.
in effect
1. in operation; in force
• 正在实行,有效
 »a moratorium in effect since 1985 has been lifted.
  used to convey that something is in practice the case, even if it is not formally acknowledged to be so
• 实质上,实际上
 »the minister's powers allow him, in effect, to ban programmes.
to the effect that
1. used to refer to the general sense or meaning of something written or spoken
• 大意是,意思是
 »some comments to the effect that my essay was a little light on analysis.
to that effect
1. having that result, purpose, or meaning
• 以此为目的的,那样意思的
 »she thought it a foolish rule and put a notice to that effect in a newspaper.
1. late Middle English: from Old French, or from Latin effectus, from efficere 'accomplish', from ex- 'out, thoroughly' + facere 'do, make'. Sense 3, 'personal belongings', arose from the obsolete sense 'something acquired on completion of an action'
1. For an explanation of the difference between effect and affect, see usage at affect


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