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en passant是什么意思_英语en passant中文翻译_牛津英汉词典_英语词典


en passant en passant
/ R̃ pA5sB:nt, 5pAsR̃ /

1. by the way; incidentally
• 顺便地,附带地
 »the singular distinction of being mentioned, en passant, in an Act of Parliament.
  [Chess] by the en passant rule
[棋] 吃过路兵规则(地)
en passant rule (或 law)
1. [Chess] the rule that a pawn making a first move of two squares instead of one may nevertheless be immediately captured by an opposing pawn on the fifth rank
[棋] 吃过路兵规则
1. early 17th cent.: French, literally in passing'

en passant例句

en 包含 前缀 后缀 任意例句
passant 包含 前缀 后缀 任意例句

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