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fidget fidget
/ 5fIdVIt /

(fidgeted, fidgeting)
1. [no obj.] make small movements, especially of the hands and feet, through nervousness or impatience
• 坐立不安;手足无措
 »the audience had begun to fidget on their chairs.
  be impatient or uneasy
• 焦急难耐,烦躁,不安
 »[with infinitive] he was fidgeting to get back to his shop.
  [withobj.] make (someone) uneasy or uncomfortable
• 使(某人)不安(或烦躁、不适)
 »she fidgets me with her never-ending spit and polish.
1. a quick, small movement, typically a repeated one, caused by nervousness or impatience
• 坐立不安;动来晃去
 »he disturbed other people with convulsive fidgets.
  a person given to such movements, especially one whom other people find irritating
• (尤指讨人厌的)坐立不安者
  [一般作 fidgets] a state of mental or physical restlessness or uneasiness
• (身心)紧张,不安,烦躁
 »a marketing person full of nervous energy and fidgets.
fidgeter noun
fidgetiness noun
fidgety adjective
1. late 17th cent.: from obsolete or dialect fidge 'to twitch'; perhaps related to Old Norse fikja 'move briskly, be restless or eager'


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