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flame flame
/ fleim /

1. a hot glowing body of ignited gas that is generated by something on fire
• 火焰,火苗
 »the flame of a candle.
 »[mass noun] a sheet of flame blocked my escape.
2. (figurative)used in similes and metaphors to refer to something resembling a flame in various respects, in particular
[喻] [用在明喻和暗喻中]火焰般的事物,尤指
  a thing resembling a flame in heat, shape, or brilliance
• 火焰状的东西;火焰般热烈明亮的东西
 »redstarts darted, like orange flames.
  [mass noun] a brilliant orange-red colour
• 火红色
 »[in combination] a flame-red trench coat.
  a thing compared to a flame's ability to burn fiercely or be extinguished
• 能像火焰般熊熊燃烧(或被扑灭)的东西
 »the flame of hope burns brightly here.
  a very intense emotion
• 强烈的情感;热情,激情
 »the sound of his laughter fanned the flame of anger to new heights.
  a cause which generates passionate feelings
• 令人热血沸腾的事业
 »a keeper of the Thatcherite flame.
  [Computing] a vitriolic or abusive message sent via electronic mail, typically in quick response to another message
[计算机] (尤指快速回复的)言语刻薄的(或辱骂性)电子邮件
 »flames about inexperienced users posting stupid messages.
1. [no obj.] burn and give off flames
• 熊熊燃烧
 »a great fire flamed in an open fireplace.
  [with obj.] set (something) alight
• 点燃
 »warm the whisky slightly, pour over the lobster, and flame it.
  (figurative)shine or glow like a flame
[喻] 火焰般闪闪发亮
 »her thick hair flamed against the light.
  (figurative)(of an intense emotion) appear suddenly and fiercely
[喻] (强烈的情感)爆发
 »hope flamed in her.
  (of a person's face) suddenly become red with intense emotion, especially anger or embarrassment
• (尤指脸因怒气或尴尬等强烈的感情而)突然变红,臊红,气红
 »Jess's cheeks flamed.
  [with obj.] [Computing] send (someone) abusive or vitriolic electronic mail messages, typically in a quick exchange
[计算机] (尤指作为回复快速地)发言语刻薄的(或辱骂性)电子邮件
burst into flame (或 flames)
1. suddenly begin to burn fiercely
• 突然开始熊熊燃烧
 »the grass looked ready to burst into flame.
go up in flames
1. be destroyed by fire
• 毁于大火
 »last night two factories went up in flames.
in flames
1. on fire; burning fiercely
• 着火;熊熊燃烧
 »the plane plunged to the ground in flames.
old flame
1. [informal] a former lover
[非正式] 旧情人
flameless adjective
flame-like adjective
flamer noun
1. [Computing 计算机]
flamy( )
1. Middle English: from Old French flame (noun), flamer (verb), from Latin flamma 'a flame'
flame out
1. (of a jet engine) lose power through the extinction of the flame in the combustion chamber
• (喷气发动机因燃烧室熄火而)失灵
  (informal, chiefly N. Amer.)fail, especially conspicuously
[非正式,主北美] 失败;溃败;惨败
 »journalists had seared him for flaming out in the second round of the Olympics.


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