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fluff fluff
/ flQf /

1. [mass noun] soft fibres from fabrics such as wool or cotton which accumulate in small light clumps
• 绒毛,软毛
 »he brushed his sleeve to remove the fluff.
  any soft downy substance, especially the fur or feathers of a young mammal or bird
• 绒毛似的东西(尤指幼小哺乳动物软毛或小鸟羽毛)
  (figurative)entertainment or writing perceived as trivial or superficial
[喻] 空洞(或肤浅)的娱乐节目(或作品)
 »the film is a piece of typical Hollywood fluff.
2. [informal] a mistake made in speaking or playing music, or by an actor in delivering their lines
[非正式] (说话、演奏或台词中的)错误
verb, [with obj.]
1. make (something) appear fuller and softer, typically by shaking or brushing it
• 把…拍松(或抖松、掸松)
 »I fluffed up the pillows.
2. [informal] fail to perform or accomplish (something) successfully or well (used especially in a sporting or acting context)
[非正式] (尤指体育、表演)出错,失误
 »the extra fluffed his only line.
1. late 18th cent.: probably a dialect alteration of 16th-cent. flue 'down, nap, fluff', apparently from Flemish vluwe


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