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formal formal
/ 5fC:mEl /

1. done in accordance with rules of convention or etiquette; suitable for or constituting an official or important situation or occasion
• 符合传统(或礼仪)的;正式的
 »a formal dinner party.
  (of a person or their manner) prim or stiff
• (人,态度)刻板的,拘谨的
  of or denoting a style of writing or public speaking characterized by more elaborate grammatical structures and more conservative and technical vocabulary
• (写作,演讲)正式的,庄重的
  (especially of a house or garden) arranged in a regular, classical, and symmetrical manner
• (尤指房子或花园)整齐的,布置井然的;古典的;匀称的
2. officially sanctioned or recognized
• 正式批准(或认可)的
 »a formal complaint.
  having a conventionally recognized form, structure, or set of rules
• 正规的
 »he had little formal education.
3. of or concerned with outward form or appearance, especially as distinct from content or matter
• (与)形式(有关)的
 »I don't know enough about art to appreciate the purely formal qualities.
  having the form or appearance without the spirit
• 表面化的,徒有形式的
 »the committee stage would be purely formal.
  of or relating to linguistic or logical form as opposed to function or meaning
• (语言,逻辑)形式的,与形式有关的
1. [N. Amer.] an evening dress
• 北美
  an occasion on which evening dress is worn
• 需穿晚礼服的场合
1. late Middle English: from Latin formalis, from forma 'shape, mould' (see form )


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