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go go
/ ɡEu /

(goes , going ; past went ; past participle gone )
1. [no obj., usu. with adverbial of direction] move from one place or point to another; travel
• 行走;去
 »he went out to the shops.
 »she longs to go back home.
 »we've a long way to go.
  travel a specified distance
• 行进(一定距离)
 »you just have to go a few miles to get to the road.
  travel or move in order to engage in a specified activity or course of action
• 去(参加活动或行动)
 »let's go and have a pint.
 »[with infinitive] we went to see her.
 »[with present participle] she used to go hunting.
  (go to)attend or visit for a particular purpose
• (为了特定目的)到,进
 »we went to the cinema.
 »he went to Cambridge University.
  [in imperative] begin motion (used in a starter's order to begin a race)
• [用于起跑的口令]开始
 »ready, steady, go!.
  (go to)(of a rank or honour) be allotted or awarded
• (职衔,荣誉)被分给(或颁给)
 »the top prize went to a twenty-four-year-old sculptor.
  (go into/to/towards)(of a thing) contribute to or be put into (a whole); be used for or devoted to
• (某物)被加入(或放入)(一个整体);被用于;被投入
 »considerable effort went into making the operation successful.
  pass a specified amount of time in a particular way or under particular circumstances
• (以特定方式,在特定环境下)经过(一段时间)
 »sometimes they went for two months without talking.
  used to indicate how many people a supply of food, money, or another resource is sufficient for or how much can be achieved using it
• (表示食物、金钱或其他资源的供给)够多少人用,够做多少事
 »the sale will go a long way towards easing the huge debt burden.
 »a little luck can go a long way.
  (of a thing) lie or extend in a certain direction
• (某物)向某个方向展开(或延伸)
 »the scar started just above her ankle and went all the way up inside her leg.
  change in level, amount, or rank in a specified direction
• (水平、数量或级别)上升(或下降)
 »prices went up by 15 per cent.
  [informal] used to emphasize the speaker's annoyance at a specified action or event
[非正式] [用以表示说话人对某种行为或事件的恼怒]竟然做(某事)
 »then he goes and spoils it all.
 »[with present participle] don't go poking your nose where you shouldn't.
  [informal] said in various expressions when angrily or contemptuously dismissing someone
[非正式] [用于愤怒(或轻蔑)地赶走某人时所说的话]走开,滚开
 » go and get stuffed.
2. [no obj.] leave ; depart
• 离开;启程
 »I really must go.
  (of time) pass or elapse
• (时间)过去;流逝
 »the hours went by.
 »three years went past.
  come to an end; cease to exist
• 结束;不再存在
 »a golden age that has now gone for good.
 »11,500 jobs are due to go by next year.
  leave or resign from a post
• 离职;辞职
 »I tried to persuade the Chancellor not to go.
  be lost or stolen
• 丢失;被盗
 »when he returned minutes later his equipment had gone.
  cease operating or functioning
• 不运转;不起作用
 »the power went in our road last week.
  die (used euphemistically)
[婉] 去世
 »I'd like to see my grandchildren before I go.
  (of a thing) be sold
• (东西)被出售
 »the meat went to the butcher opposite the farm.
  (of money) be spent, especially in a specified way
• (金钱)被花掉(尤指用某种方式)
 »the rest of his money went on medical expenses.
3. (be going to be/do something)intend or be likely or intended to be or do something; be about to (used to express a future tense)
• 想要;可能要;打算成为;打算做;[用来表示将来时]将
 »I'm going to be late for work.
 »she's going to have a baby.
4. [no obj., with complement] pass into a specified state, especially an undesirable one
• 变成(尤指不好的状态)
 »the food is going bad.
 »her mind immediately went blank.
 »he's gone crazy.
  (go to/into)enter into a specified state, institution, or course of action
• 进入(某种状态);加入(某种机构);开始(某种行动)
 »she turned over and went back to sleep.
 »the car went into a spin.
  happen, proceed, or be for a time in a specified condition
• 发生;进行;持续
 »no one went hungry in our house.
  make a sound of a specified kind
• 发出(某种声音)
 »the engine went bang.
  (of a bell or similar device) make a sound in functioning
• (钟,类似装置)运行时发出(声音)
 »I heard the buzzer go four times.
  [with direct speech] [informal] say
 »the kids go, ‘Yeah, sure.’.
  孩子们说: "啊,那当然"。
  (go by/under)be known or called by (a specified name)
• 名为;被称为
 »he now goes under the name Charles Perez.
5. [no obj.] proceed in a specified way or have a specified outcome; turn out
• (以某种方式)进行;有(某种)结果;最后是
 »how did the weekend go?
 »it all went off smoothly.
  be successful, especially in being enjoyable or exciting
• 成功(尤指使人快活或激动)
 »the party hosts had to strive to make things go.
  be acceptable or permitted
• 被接受;被允许
 »underground events where anything goes.
  (of a song, account, or similar) have a specified content or wording
• (歌曲、说明等)有(某种)内容(或措辞)
 »if you haven't heard it, the story goes like this.
6. [no obj.] be harmonious, complementary, or matching
• 和谐;互补;相配
 »rosemary goes with roast lamb.
 »the earrings and the scarf don't really go.
  be found in the same place or situation; be associated
• 一起存在;相伴随;相关联
 »cooking and eating go together.
7. [no obj.] (of a machine or device) function
• (机器,设备)运转;工作
 »my car won't go.
  continue in operation or existence
• 继续运转;继续存在
 »the committee was kept going even when its existence could no longer be justified.
8. [no obj.] (of an article) be regularly kept or put in a particular place
• (物体)通常被放在(某一地方)
 »remember which card goes in which slot.
  fit or be able to be accommodated in a particular place or space
• 适合;(某一地点,空间)可容纳
 »you're trying to squeeze a quart into a pint pot, and it just won't go.
9. [no obj.] [informal] use a toilet; urinate or defecate
[非正式] 上厕所;拉屎;撒尿
(pl. goes), [informal] [非正式]
1. an attempt or trial at something
• 尝试;试验
 »I thought I'd give it a go.
  a person's turn to use something or to move or act in a game
• 轮到某人使用;(游戏中)轮到某人
 »I had a go on Nigel's racing bike.
 »come on Tony, it's your go.
  (chiefly Brit.)a state of affairs
[主英] 事态
 »this seems a rum sort of go.
  (chiefly Brit.)an attack of illness
[主英] (疾病的)发作
 »he's had this nasty go of dysentery.
  [N. Amer.] a project or undertaking which has been approved
[北美] 得到批准的项目(或计划)
 »tell them the project is a go.
  (chiefly Brit.)used in reference to a single item, action, or spell of activity
[主英] 一个;一举;一下子
 »he put it to his lips then knocked it back in one go.
2. [mass noun] spirit, animation, or energy
• 精神;生气;精力
 »there's no go in me at all these days.
  [Brit.] vigorous activity
[英] 忙碌而有生气的活动
 »it's all go around here.
1. [predic.] [informal] functioning properly
[非正式] 运行正常的
 »all systems go.
all the go
1. [Brit. informal, dated] in fashion
[英,非正式,旧] 非常流行,风行一时
as (或 so) far as it goes
1. bearing in mind its limitations (said when qualifying praise of something)
• 考虑到它的局限性(在找理由表扬某事物时说)
 »the book is a useful catalogue as far as it goes.
as —— go
1. compared to the average or typical one of the specified kind
• 与一般的(或典型的)相比
 »as castles go it is small and old.
from the word go
1. [informal] from the very beginning
[非正式] 从一开始
get someone going
1. [Brit. informal] make someone angry or sexually aroused
[英,非正式] 惹怒;使性兴奋
 »I want a girl who's sexy, but in a subtle way—that's what gets me going.
go figure!
1. [N. Amer. informal] said to express the speaker's belief that something is amazing or incredible
[北美,非正式] [用来表示说话人认为某事是令人吃惊的,难以置信的] 真不敢相信
go great guns --› see gun
go halves
1. (或 shares)share something equally
• 平分
going!, gone!
1. an auctioneer's announcement that bidding is closing or closed
• (拍卖人宣布)竞价就要结束(或已结束)
go off on one
1. [Brit. informal] become very angry or excited
[英,非正式] 恼怒;激动
going on —— (Brit.
1. [英亦作] approaching a specified time, age, or amount
• 接近(特定的时间、年龄或数量)
 »I was going on fourteen when I went to my first gig.
go (to) it
1. [Brit. informal] act in a vigorous, energetic, or dissipated way
[英,非正式] 猛劲干;放荡挥霍
 »Go it, Dad! Give him what for!.
go it alone --› see alone
go to show
1. (或 prove)(of an occurrence) serve as evidence or proof of something specified
• 成为某事的证据(或证明)
go well
1. [S. African] used to express good wishes to someone leaving
[南非] 一切顺利[用来对即将离开的人表达良好的祝愿]
have a go at
1. (chiefly Brit.)attack or criticize (someone)
[主英] 攻击;批评
 »she's always having a go at me.
have —— going for one
1. [informal] used to indicate how much someone has in their favour or to their advantage
[非正式] 对某人多么有利(或占有多大优势)
 »Why did she do it? She had so much going for her.
make a go of
1. [informal] be successful in (something)
[非正式] 获得成功
 »he's determined to make a go of his marriage.
on the go
1. [informal] very active or busy
[非正式] 非常活跃;忙碌
 »he's dead beat, he's been on the go all evening.
to be going on with
1. [Brit.] to start with; for the time being
[英] 开始;首先;暂时
 »this is not a full critical appraisal but it will certainly do to be going on with.
to go
1. (chiefly N. Amer.)(of food or drink from a restaurant or cafe) to be eaten or drunk off the premises
[主北美] (食物,饮料)带出餐馆或店堂外吃,外卖
 »order one large cheese-and-peppers pizza, to go.
what goes around comes around
1. (proverb)the consequences of one's actions will have to be dealt with eventually
[谚] 不是不报,时候未到
who goes there?
1. said by a sentry as a challenge
• [哨兵喝问语]谁?
1. Old English gān, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch gaan and German gehen; the form went was originally the past tense of wend
1. The use of go followed by and, as in I must go and changerather than I must go to changeis extremely common but is regarded by some grammarians as an oddity. For more details, see usage at and
go about
1. begin or carry on work at (an activity); busy oneself with
• 开始(或从事)(某个活动);忙于
 »you are going about this in the wrong way.
2. [Sailing] change to an opposite tack
[航海] 掉头,转向
go against
1. oppose or resist
• 反对;抵抗
 »he refused to go against the unions.
  be contrary to (a feeling or principle)
• 与(一种情绪,原则)相反
 »these tactics go against many of our instincts.
  (of a judgement, decision or result) be unfavourable for
• (判断、决定或结果)对…不利的
 »the tribunal's decision went against them.
go ahead
1. proceed or be carried out without hesitation
• 毫不犹豫地进行(或被执行)
 »the project will go ahead.
go along with
1. give onre's consent or agreement to (a person or their views)
• 赞同,同意(某人或其观点)
go around
1. (of an aircraft) abort an approach to landing and prepare to make a fresh approach
• (飞机放弃一次降落后重来一次的)复飞。
--› see go round
go around with
1. be regularly in the company of
• 与…交往
 »he goes around with some of the local lads.
go at
1. energetically attack or tackle
• 拼命攻击;积极对待
 »he went at things with a daunting eagerness.
go back
1. (of a clock) be set to an earlier standard time, especially at the end of summertime
• (尤指夏令时结束时)(时钟)被拨回到原来的时间
2. (of two people) have known each other for a specified, typically long, period of time
• (两个人)相互认识了一段时间(多指较长时间)
 »Victor and I go back a long way.
go back on
1. fail to keep (a promise)
• 违背(诺言)
 »he wouldn't go back on his word.
go down
1. (of a ship or aircraft) sink or crash
• (船只)下沉;(飞机)坠毁
 »he saw eleven B-17s go down.
  be defeated in a contest
• (在比赛中)被击败
 »they went down 2–1.
2. (of a person, period, or event) be recorded or remembered in a particular way
• (人、时间或事件)(以特定方式)被记录;被记住
 »his name will now go down in history.
3. be swallowed
• 被咽下;被吞下
 »solids can sometimes go down much easier than liquids.
4. (of a person, action, or work) elicit a specified reaction
• (人、行动或工作)引起某种反应
 »my slide shows went down reasonably well.
5. [N. Amer. informal] happen
[北美,非正式] 发生
 »you really don't know what's going down?
6. [Brit. informal] leave a university, especially Oxford or Cambridge, after finishing one's studies
[英,非正式] (完成学业后)离开大学(尤指牛津,剑桥大学)
7. [Brit. informal] be sent to prison
[英,非正式] 被捕入狱
go down on
1. (vulgar slang)perform oral sex on
[粗俚] 口交
go down with
1. [Brit.] begin to suffer from (a specified illness)
[英] 得了…病
 »I went down with an attack of bronchitis.
go for
1. decide on; choose
• 对…作出决定;选择
 »I wished that we had gone for plan B.
  tend to find (a particular type of person) attractive
• 对(某种类型的人)有好感
 »Dionne went for the outlaw


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