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gross gross
/ ɡrEus /

1. unattractively large or bloated
• 粗大的;臃肿的;肥胖的
 »I feel fat, gross—even my legs feel flabby.
  large-scale; not fine or detailed
• 大范围的;粗略的
 »at the gross anatomical level.
   vulgar ; unrefined
• 粗俗的;不雅的;粗野的
 »the duties we felt called upon to perform towards our inferiors were only gross, material ones.
  [informal] very unpleasant; repulsive
[非正式] 令人讨厌的,使人憎恶的
 »I think they're completely disgusting, gross.
  (in a negative context) complete; blatant
• [用于否定的上下文]十足的;明目张胆的;严重的
 »a gross exaggeration.
2. (of income, profit, or interest) without deduction of tax or other contributions; total
• (收入、利润或利息)毛的;总的。 常与 net 相对(义项1)
 »the gross amount of the gift was £1,000.
 »the current rate of interest is about 6.1 per cent gross.
  (of weight) including contents, fittings, wrappings, or other variable items; overall
• (重量)一切包括在内的;总计的;毛的
 »a projected gross take-off weight of 500,000 pounds.
  (of a score in golf) as actually played, without taking handicap into account
• (高尔夫球的得分)实际所得的
1. without tax or other contributions having been deducted
• 以毛额计算,未扣除税(或其他费用)
verb, [with obj.]
1. produce or earn (an amount of money) as gross profit or income
• 获得…总收入(或毛利)
 »the film went on to gross $8 million in the US.
  (gross something up)add deductions such as tax to a net amount
• 在净额上计入(如税金等的扣除额)
 »all commuting costs were grossed up for tax and National Insurance deductions.
1. [单复同] an amount equal to twelve dozen; 144
• 罗(等于12打);144个
 »fifty-five gross of tins of processed milk.
2. (pl. grosses)a gross profit or income
• 毛利;总收入
 »the box office grosses mounted.
by the gross
1. (figurative)in large numbers or amounts
[喻] 大量地,大宗地
 »impoverished Mexicans who were arrested here by the gross.
grossly adverb
 »[as submodifier] Freda was grossly overweight.
grossness noun
1. Middle English (in the sense 'thick, massive, bulky'): from Old French gros, grosse 'large', from late Latin grossus
gross someone out
1. (informal, chiefly N. Amer.)disgust someone with repulsive or obscene behaviour or appearance
[非正式,主北美] 使…作呕,令…恶心


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