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her her
/ hE: /

pronoun, [third person singular]
1. used as the object of a verb or preposition to refer to a female person or animal previously mentioned or easily identified
• (用作动词或介词的宾语,指提到过的或容易确定的女性或雌性动物)她。
--› compare she
 »she knew I hated her.
 »I told Hannah I would wait for her.
  referring to a ship, country, or other inanimate thing regarded as female
• (指船、国家或别的被认为是女性的无生命物)她
 »the crew tried to sail her through a narrow gap.
  used after the verb ‘to be’ and after ‘than’ or ‘as’
• (用在‘to be’,‘than’,‘as’之后)她。 见 usage
 »it must be her.
 »he was younger than her.
  [W. Indian] she
[西印度] 她(主格)
 »she will get all her wants.
2. (archaic or N. Amer. dialect)herself
[古,北美方] 她自己
 »peevishly she flung her on her face.
possessive determiner
1. belonging to or associated with a female person or animal previously mentioned or easily identified
• (属于提到过的或容易确定的女性或雌性动物的或与之有关的)她的
 »Patricia loved her job.
  belonging to or associated with a ship, country, or other inanimate thing regarded as female
• (属于船、国家或别的被认为是女性的无生命物的或与之有关的)她的
2. [Her] used in titles
• [用于头衔、称号]
 »Her Majesty.
 »Her Royal Highness.
her indoors
1. [Brit. informal, humorous] one's wife
[英,非正式,幽默] 屋里的
1. Old English hire, genitive and dative of hīo, hēo 'she'
1. Is it incorrect to say I am older than herrather than I am older than sheor it's her all rightrather than it's she all rightand, if so, why? For a discussion of this issue, see usage at personal pronoun


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