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interface interface
/ 5intEfeis /

1. a point where two systems, subjects, organizations, etc. meet and interact
• (两个系统,主题,组织等之间互相衔接并互相作用的)接合点,结合点,边缘区域
 »the interface between accountancy and the law.
  (chiefly Physics)a surface forming a common boundary between two portions of matter or space, for example between two immiscible liquids
[主物理] (物质或空间两部分之间,如两种不可溶和液体之间共有的)界面
 »the surface tension of a liquid at its air/liquid interface.
2. [Computing] a device or program enabling a user to communicate with a computer
[计算机] (用户与计算机交流的)界面,联系装置
  a device or program for connecting two items of hardware or software so that they can be operated jointly or communicate with each other
• (连接计算机两硬件或软件使之共同运转或相互联系)联系装置;接口程序
verb, [no obj.] (interface with)
1. interact with (another system, person,organization etc.)
• (与另一系统、个人、组织等)互相联系,互相交流
 »his goal is to get people interfacing with each other.
2. [Computing] connect with (another computer or piece of equipment) by an interface
[计算机] (与另一计算机或设备)联接,接合
1. The word interface is a relatively new word, having been in the language (as a noun) since the 1880s. However, in the 1960s it became widespread in computer use and, by analogy, began to enjoy a vogue as both a noun and a verb in all sorts of other spheres. Traditionalists object to it on the grounds that there are plenty of other words that could be used instead. Nevertheless it is now well established as a part of standard English


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