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king king
/ kiN /

1. the male ruler of an independent state, especially one who inherits the position by right of birth
• 国王
 »[as title] King Henry VIII.
  a person or thing regarded as the finest or most important in its sphere or group
• (同类人、事物中)首屈一指的,最为重要的
 »a country where football is king.
 »the king of rock.
  [attrib.] used in names of animals and plants that are particularly large, e.g. king cobra
• [用于特大的动植物名称,如king cobra]
  (the King)(in the UK) the national anthem when there is a male sovereign
• (英国)男性国王在位时使用的国歌
2. the most important chess piece, of which each player has one, which the opponent has to checkmate in order to win. The king can move in any direction, including diagonally, to any adjacent square that is not attacked by an opponent's piece or pawn
• (棋子)王
  a piece in draughts with extra capacity for moving, made by crowning an ordinary piece that has reached the opponent's baseline
• (国际跳棋)王
  a playing card bearing a representation of a king, normally ranking next below an ace
• (纸牌)K
1. [with obj.] (archaic)make (someone) king
[古] 立(某人)为王
  (king it)[dated] act in an unpleasantly superior and domineering manner
[旧] 称王称霸
 »he kings it over the natives on his atoll.
a king's ransom
--› see ransom
live like a king (或 queen)
1. live in great comfort and luxury
• 过舒适奢华的生活
kinghood noun
kingless adjective
kinglike adjective
kingliness noun
kingly( )
kingship noun
1. Old English cyning, cyng, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch koning and German König, also to kin


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