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let let
/ let /

(letting; past and past participle let)
1. [with obj. and infinitive] not prevent or forbid; allow
• 允许,让
 »my boss let me leave early.
 »you mustn't let yourself get so involved.
  [with obj. and adverbial of direction] allow to pass in a particular direction
• 允许通过
 »could you let the dog out?
 »a tiny window that let in hardly any light.
2. [with obj. and infinitive] used in the imperative to formulate various expressions
• [用在祈使句中表达多种意思]
  (let us或 let's)used as a polite way of making or responding to a suggestion, giving an instruction, or introducing a remark
• [用以礼貌地表达建议、命令和引出下文]让我们…吧
 »let's have a drink.
 »‘Shall we go?’ ‘Yes, let's.’.
  (let me 或 let us)used to make a polite offer of help
• [表示礼貌地提供帮助]让我(或我们)…(好吗?)
 »‘Here, let me,’ offered Bruce.
  used to express one's strong desire for something to happen or be the case
• [表示很希望某事能发生或就是那种情况]要是…多好啊,但愿
 »‘Dear God,’ Jessica prayed, ‘let him be all right.’.
  used as a way of expressing defiance or challenge
• [表示抗拒或挑衅]
 »if he wants to walk out, well let him!.
  used to express an assumption upon which a theory or calculation is to be based
• [作为理论或计算的基础或出发点]假设,设
 »let A and B stand for X and Y respectively.
3. [with obj.] allow someone to have the use of (a room or property) in return for regular payments
• 出租(房屋)
 »homeowners will be able to let rooms to lodgers without having to pay tax.
 »they've let out their flat.
  award (a contract for a particular project) to an applicant
• (将工程)承包给
 »preliminary contracts were let and tunnelling work started.
1. [Brit.] a period during which a room or property is rented to someone
[英] 租期
 »I've taken a month's let on the flat.
  a property available for rent
• 待租房,可出租房产
 »an unfurnished let.
let alone
1. used to indicate that something is far less likely, possible, or suitable than something else already mentioned
• [表示某事比刚提到的更不可能或更不恰当]更别提
 »he was incapable of leading a bowling team, let alone a country.
let someone/thing alone --› see alone
let someone/thing be
1. stop disturbing or interfering with
• 别打扰,不干预
 »let him be—he knows what he wants.
let someone down gently
1. seek to give someone bad news in a way that avoids causing them too much distress or humiliation
• 委婉告诉,给…台阶下
let something drop (或 fall)
1. casually reveal a piece of information
• 无意中说出,不经意透露
 »from the things he let drop I think there was a woman in his life.
let fall
1. [Geometry] draw (a perpendicular) from an outside point to a line
[几何] 向一直线作垂线
let fly
1. attack, either physically or verbally
• 对…进行(身体或语言)攻击
 »the troops let fly with shells loaded with chemical weapons.
let oneself go
1. act in an unrestrained or uninhibited way
• 率性而为
 »you need to unwind and let yourself go.
2. become careless or untidy in one's habits or appearance
• 不修边幅,邋遢
 »he's really let himself go since my mother died.
let someone/thing go
1. allow someone or something to escape or go free
• 放,释放
 »they let the hostages go.
  dismiss an employee
• 解雇员工
2. (也作 let go 或 let go of)relinquish one's grip on someone or something
• 放开,释放
 »Adam let go of the reins.
 »you must let the past go.
let someone have it
1. [informal] attack someone physically or verbally
[非正式] 揍,教训;痛骂
 »I really let him have it for worrying me so much.
let in (或 out) the clutch
1. engage (or release) the clutch of a vehicle by releasing pressure on (or applying it to) the clutch pedal
• 咬合(或放开)离合器
let it drop (或 rest)
1. say or do no more about a matter or problem
• 到此为止
let it go (或 pass)
1. choose not to react to an action or remark
• 不搭理
 »the decision worried us, but we let it go.
let someone know
1. inform someone
• 告诉某人
 »let me know what you think of him.
let someone/thing loose
1. release someone or something
• 放开,放松(某人或某物)
 »let the dog loose for a minute.
  allow someone freedom of action in a particular place or situation
• (在某场合)给予自由
 »people are only let loose on the system once they have received sufficient training.
  suddenly utter a sound or remark
• 突然说出
 »he let loose a stream of abuse.
let me see (或 think)
1. used when one is pausing, trying to remember something, or considering one's next words
• [暂时停下,回想某事或考虑下面的话]让我想想
 »now let me see, where did I put it?
let me tell you
1. used to emphasize a statement
• [表示强调]告诉你吧
 »let me tell you, I was very scared!.
let off steam --› see steam
let rip --› see rip
let's face it (或 let's be honest)
1. [informal] used to convey that one must be realistic about an unwelcome fact or situation
[非正式] [表示应面对现实]老实说,说实在的
 »let's be honest, your taste in men is famously bad.
let slip --› see slip
let's pretend
1. a game or set of circumstances in which one behaves as though a fictional or unreal situation is a real one
• 模拟游戏;逢场作戏
let's say (或 let us say)
1. used as a way of introducing a hypothetical or possible situation
• [引出假设或可能情况]假设
 »let's say we agreed to go our separate ways.
to let
1. (of a room or property) available for rent
• (房屋)可供出租的
1. Old English lǣtan 'leave behind, leave out', of Germanic origin; related to Dutch laten and German lassen, also to late
let down
1. (of an aircraft or a pilot) descend prior to making a landing
• (飞机或飞行员着陆前)下降
let someone down
1. fail to support or help someone as they had hoped or expected
• 不支持,辜负,拆台
  (let someone/thing down)have a detrimental effect on the overall quality or success of someone or something
• 使功亏一篑,影响大局
 »the whole machine is let down by the tacky keyboard.
let something down
1. lower something slowly or in stages
• 放下,放低
 »they let down a basket on a chain.
2. make a garment longer by lowering the hem
• 放出(褶边),放长(衣服)
3. [Brit.] deflate a tyre
[英] 给车胎放气
let oneself in for
1. [informal] involve oneself in (something likely to be difficult or unpleasant)
[非正式] 陷入,卷入(麻烦)
 »I didn't know what I was letting myself in for.
let someone in on/into
1. allow someone to know or share (something secret or confidential)
• 让(某人)知道(内情)
 »I'll let you into a secret.
let something into
1. set something back into (the surface to which it is fixed), so that it does not project from it
• 把…嵌入,插入
 »the basin is partly let into the wall.
let someone off
1. punish someone lightly or not at all for a misdemeanour or offence
• (对错误或非法行为)从轻处理,放过
 »he was let off with a caution.
2. excuse someone from a task or obligation
• 允许不必(工作)
 »he let me off work for the day.
let something off
1. cause a gun, firework, or bomb to fire or explode
• 放(枪,爆竹,炸弹)
let on
[informal 非正式]
1. reveal or divulge information to someone
• 放口风,泄漏秘密
 »she knows a lot more than she lets on.
 »[with clause] I never let on that he made me feel anxious.
2. pretend
• 假装
 »[with clause] they all let on they didn't hear me.
let out
1. [N. Amer.] (of lessons at school, a meeting, or an entertainment) finish, so that those attending are able to leave
[北美] (课程,会议,娱乐)结束
 »his classes let out at noon.
let someone out
1. release someone from obligation or suspicion
• 不再让(某人)负责,不再猜疑(某人)
 »they've started looking for motives—that lets me out.
let something out
1. utter a sound or cry
• 发出声音或喊叫
 »he let out a sigh of happiness.
2. make a garment looser or larger, typically by adjusting a seam
• (尤指改缝)放大(衣服)
3. reveal a piece of information
• 透露消息
 »[with clause] she let out that he'd given her a lift home.
let up
1. [informal] (of something undesirable) become less intense or severe
[非正式] (不快之事)减小,缓和
 »the rain's letting up—it'll be clear soon.
  relax one's efforts
• 停止(努力)
 »she was so far ahead that she could afford to let up a bit.
let up on
1. [informal] treat or deal with in a more lenient manner
[非正式] 宽容对待,放…一马
 »she didn't let up on Cunningham.
1. (in racket sports) a circumstance under which a service is nullified and has to be taken again, especially (in tennis) when the ball clips the top of the net and falls within bounds
• (网拍式运动)触网重发
(letting; past and past participle letted或let)
1. [with obj.] (archaic)hinder
[古] 妨碍,阻碍
 »pray you let us not; we fain would greet our mother.
let or hindrance
1. [formal] obstruction or impediment
[正式] 妨碍,阻碍
 »the passport opened frontiers to the traveller without let or hindrance.
play a let
1. (in tennis, squash, etc.) play a point again because the ball or one of the players has been obstructed
• (网球运动等)触网重发
1. Old English lettan 'hinder', of Germanic origin; related to Dutch letten, also to late


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