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mandate mandate
/ 5mAn7deIt /

1. an official order or commission to do something
• 命令,指令
 »a mandate to seek the release of political prisoners.
  [Law] a commission by which a party is entrusted to perform a service, especially without payment and with indemnity against loss by that party
[律] 委托,委任
  a written authority enabling someone to carry out transactions on another's bank account
• 账户代理书面委托
  (historical)a commission from the League of Nations to a member state to administer a territory
[史] (国际联盟授予成员国的)托管权,委任统治权
 »the British mandate in Palestine.
2. the authority to carry out a policy or course of action, regarded as given by the electorate to a party or candidate that is victorious in an election
• (选民赋予当选政党或候选人的)执政权
 »he called an election to seek a mandate for his policies.
  [Canadian] a period during which a government is in power
[加] (政府的)任期,执政期
verb, [with obj.]
1. give (someone) authority to act in a certain way
• 授权,任命
 »the rightful king was mandated and sanctioned by God.
 »[with obj. and infinitive] the President mandated him to form a new government.
  require (something) to be done; make mandatory
• 命令,下令
 »the government began mandating better car safety.
2. (historical)assign (territory) under a mandate of the League of Nations
[史] (国际联盟)托管
 »[as adj. mandated] mandated territories.
1. early 16th cent.: from Latin mandatum 'something commanded', neuter past participle of mandare, from manus 'hand' + dare 'give'. Sense 2 of the noun has been influenced by French mandat


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