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mug mug
/ mQɡ /

1. a large cup, typically cylindrical and with a handle and used without a saucer
• (圆筒形有柄)大杯
  the contents of such a cup
• 一大杯的容量
 »a large mug of tea vanished in a single gulp.
2. [informal] a person's face
3. [Brit. informal] a stupid or gullible person
[英,非正式] 笨蛋;易受骗的人
4. [US informal] a hoodlum or thug
[美,非正式] 恶棍,流氓;暴徒
(mugged, mugging), [informal] [非正式]
1. [with obj.] [常作be mugged] attack and rob (someone) in a public place
• (在路边等公共场所)对…行凶抢劫
 »he was mugged by three men who stole his bike.
 »[as noun mugging] a brutal mugging.
  [dated] fight or hit (someone)
[旧] 打斗;击打(某人)
2. [no obj.] make faces, especially silly or exaggerated ones, before an audience or a camera
• (在观众、镜头前)扮鬼脸,作怪相
 »he mugged for the camera.
a mug's game
1. [informal] an activity in which it is foolish to engage because it is likely to be unsuccessful or dangerous
[非正式] 不可能成功的傻事;危险的事情
 »playing with drugs is a mug's game.
mugful noun pl. -fuls
1. early 16th cent. (originally Scots and northern English, denoting an earthenware bowl): probably of Scandinavian origin; compare with Norwegian mugge, Swedish mugg 'pitcher with a handle'
(mugged, mugging)
1. [with obj.] (mug something up)[Brit. informal] learn or revise a subject as far as possible in a short time
[英,非正式] (在短时间内尽可能多地)学习(或补习),苦学苦记;攻读
 »I'm constantly having to mug up things ahead of teaching them.
 »[no obj.] we had mugged up on all things Venetian before the start of the course.
1. mid 19th cent.: of unknown origin


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