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bald bald
/ bC:ld /

1. having a scalp wholly or partly lacking hair
• 秃的
 »a little man with a bald head.
 »he was starting to go bald.
  (of an animal) not covered by the usual fur, hair, or feathers
• (动物)无毛的
 »hedgehogs are born bald.
  (of a plant or an area of land) not covered by the usual leaves, bark, or vegetation
• (植物,土地)光秃秃的
  (of a tyre) having the tread worn away
• (轮胎)磨光的
2. without any extra detail or explanation; plain or blunt
• 干巴巴的;赤裸裸的;直截了当的
 »the bald statement in the preceding paragraph requires amplification.
(as) bald as a coot
1. completely bald
• 全秃的,光秃秃的
baldingnoun & adjective
1. [限义项 1]
baldish adjective
baldly adverb
1. [限义项 2]
baldness noun
1. Middle English : probably from a base meaning 'white patch', whence the archaic sense 'marked or streaked with white'. Compare with Welsh ceffyl bal, denoting a horse with a white mark on its face


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