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Ossa, Mount Ossa, Mount
/ 5RsE /

1. a mountain in Thessaly, NE Greece, south of Mount Olympus, rising to a height of 1,978 m (6,489 ft). In Greek mythology the giants were said to have piled Mount Olympus and Mount Ossa on to Mount Pelion in an attempt to reach heaven and destroy the gods
• 奥萨山(位于希腊东北部塞萨利地区,奥林匹斯山以南,高1,978米,即6,489英尺;据希腊神话,巨人们为了登天摧毁众神把奥林匹斯山和奥萨山置于皮立翁山之上)
2. the highest mountain on the island of Tasmania, rising to a height of 1,617 m (5,305 ft)
• 奥萨山(澳大利亚塔斯马尼亚岛的最高峰,高1,617米,即5,305英尺)

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