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page page

1. one side of a sheet of paper in a collection of sheets bound together, especially as a book, magazine, or newspaper
• (尤指书、杂志、报纸的)页
  the material written or printed on such a sheet of paper
• 一页(内容)
 »she silently read several pages.
  a sheet of paper of such a kind considered as a whole, comprising both sides
• 张(包括两面)
  [with modifier] a page of a newspaper or magazine set aside for a particular topic
• (报纸、杂志的)专页
  [Computing] a section of stored data, especially that which can be displayed on a screen at one time
[计算机] 页面
  a significant episode or period considered as a part of a longer history
• 历史上值得记载的事件(或时期)
 »a shameful page in British imperial history.
1. [no obj.] (page through)leaf through (a book, magazine, or newspaper)
• 翻阅
 »she was paging through an immense pile of Sunday newspapers.
  [Computing] move through and display (text) one page at a time
[计算机] 浏览页面
  [with obj.] [usu. as noun paging] [Computing] divide (a piece of software or data) into sections, keeping the most frequently accessed in main memory and storing the rest in virtual memory
[计算机] (软件、数据的)分页(存储)
  [with obj.] assign numbers to the pages in (a book or periodical); paginate
• 为…编页码;为…标注页码
  [as adj., in combination -paged] having pages of a particular kind or number
• 有…页的
 »a many-paged volume.
on the same page
1. [US] (of two or more people) in agreement
[美] 意见一致
paged adjective
1. late 16th cent.: from French, from Latin pagina, from pangere 'fasten'
1. a boy or young man, usually in uniform, employed in a hotel or club to run errands, open doors, etc.
• (旅馆、俱乐部的)穿制服的小听差;男侍
  a young boy attending a bride at a wedding
• 小男傧相
  (historical)a boy in training for knighthood, ranking next below a squire in the personal service of a knight
[史] 学习骑士(地位比骑士的侍从低)
  (historical)a man or boy employed as the personal attendant of a person of rank
[史] (贵族的)青年侍从;小侍从
1. [with obj.] summon (an individual) by name, typically over a public address system, so as to pass on a message
• 喊叫(某人)的名字(尤指广播找人)
 »no need to interrupt the background music just to page the concierge.
  [often as noun paging] contact (someone) by means of a pager
• 用寻呼机(与某人)联系
 »many systems have paging as a standard feature.
1. Middle English (in the sense 'youth, male of uncouth manners'): from Old French, perhaps from Italian paggio, from Greek paidion, diminutive of pais, paid- 'boy'. Early use of the verb (mid 16th cent.) was in the sense 'follow as or like a page'; its current sense dates from the early 20th cent


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