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pick pick
/ pik /

1. [with obj.] take hold of and remove (a flower, fruit, or vegetable) from where it is growing
• 采摘,采集(花朵,果实,蔬菜)
 »I went to pick some flowers for Jenny's room.
  [with obj. and adverbial] take hold of and lift or move
• 拾,捡;抱起
 »he picked a match out of the ashtray.
 » picking her up, he carried her into the next room.
  [no obj.] (pick up)[Golf] take hold of and lift up one's ball, especially when conceding a hole
[高尔夫] 拾球
2. [with obj.] choose (someone or something) from a number of alternatives, typically after careful thought
• 挑选,选择
 »maybe I picked the wrong career after all.
 »[no obj.] Maggie picked on a nice reliable chap.
  (pick one's way)[with adverbial of direction] walk slowly and carefully, selecting the best or safest places to put one's feet
• 小心走路,谨慎前行
 »he picked his way along the edge of the track, avoiding the potholes.
3. [no obj.] repeatedly pull at something with one's fingers
• (反复地)拔,拉,撕,扯
 »the old woman was picking at the sheet.
  [with obj.] make (a hole) in fabric by doing this
• 在织物上挑(洞)
  eat food or a meal in small amounts or without much appetite
• 挑食
 »she picked at her breakfast.
  criticize someone in a niggling way
• 挑刺,找茬
 »now, please don't start picking at Ruth.
  [with obj.] remove unwanted matter from (one's nose or teeth) by using one's finger or a pointed instrument
• 挑;抠(鼻);剔(牙);挖
  [with obj.] pluck the strings of (a guitar or banjo)
• 弹,拨(弦)
  [with obj.] (pick something out)play a tune on such an instrument slowly or with difficulty
• (慢慢地,艰难地)弹奏(曲调)
 »she began to pick out a rough melody on the guitar.
1. [in sing.] an act or the right of selecting something from among a group of alternatives
• 选择,挑选;选择权,挑选权
 » take your pick from our extensive menu.
 »Laura should have first pick.
  (the pick of)[informal] the person or thing perceived as the best in a particular group
[非正式] 最佳的人(或物);精华,精粹
 »he was the pick of the bunch.
  (chiefly US)someone or something that has been selected
[主美] 选中的人(或物)
 »the club made him their first pick.
2. [Basketball] an act of blocking or screening a defensive player from the ball handler
[篮球] 掩护
pick and choose
1. select only the best or most desirable from among a number of alternatives
• 挑挑拣拣,挑三拣四,挑剔
pick someone's brains (或 brain)
1. [informal] obtain information by questioning someone who is better informed about a subject than oneself
[非正式] 套问别人的信息;向某人请教
pick something clean
1. completely remove the flesh from a bone or carcass
• 剔尽(或撕尽)…上的肉
pick one's feet up
1. raise one's feet clear of the ground when walking
• (走路时)抬脚离地
pick a fight (或 quarrel)
1. talk or behave in such a way as to provoke an argument or fight
• 惹起争斗(或争吵)
pick holes in
1. find fault with
• 挑剔,挑刺,挑毛病
pick a lock
1. open a lock with an instrument other than the proper key
• 撬锁
pick someone's pockets
1. steal something surreptitiously from another person's pocket
• 扒窃
pick someone/thing to pieces (或 apart)
1. criticize someone or something severely and in detail
• 把…驳得体无完肤; 对…吹毛求疵;严厉批评
pick up the pieces
1. restore one's life or a situation to a more normal state, typically after a shock or disaster
• 收拾残局,重整旗鼓,恢复正常
pick up (或 get up) speed (或 steam)
1. (of a vehicle) go faster; accelerate
• (车)提速,加速
pick up the threads
1. resume something that has been interrupted
• 继续(被中断的事)
pickable adjective
1. Middle English (earlier as pike, which continues in dialect use): of unknown origin. Compare with Dutch pikken 'pick, peck', and German picken 'peck, puncture', also with French piquer 'to prick'
pick someone/thing off
1. shoot a member of a group of people or things, aiming carefully from a distance
• 从远处小心瞄准射中
  [Baseball] put out a runner by throwing the ball to a base
[棒球] 传杀
pick on
1. repeatedly single (someone) out for blame, criticism, or unkind treatment in a way perceived to be unfair
• 挑剔,挑刺
pick someone/thing out
1. distinguish someone or something among a group of people or things
• 辨认出,分辨出
 »Lester picked out two familiar voices.
  (of a light) illuminate an object by shining directly on it
• (光)映衬,映射
  [常作 be picked out] distinguish shapes or letters from their surroundings by painting or fashioning them in a contrasting colour or medium
• 衬托,陪衬
 »the initials are picked out in diamonds.
pick something over (或 pick through)
1. examine or sort through a number of items carefully
• 挑选,筛选
 »they picked through the charred remains of their home.
pick up
1. become better; improve
• 改善,好转,提高,有起色
 »my luck's picked up.
  become stronger; increase
• 更猛烈,更强大;增加
 »the wind has picked up.
pick oneself up
1. stand up again after a fall
• (摔倒后)站起身来,使(自己)爬起来
pick someone up
1. go somewhere to collect someone, typically in one's car and according to a prior arrangement
• (尤指用车或根据事前安排去)接(人)
  stop for someone and take them into one's vehicle or vessel
• (停下车、船以)承载,让…搭乘,载乘
  [informal] arrest someone
[非正式] 拘捕,逮捕
  [informal] casually strike up a relationship with someone one has never met before as a sexual overture
[非正式] 结识,与…搭讪
2. return to a point or remark made by someone in order to criticize it
• 找…的岔子;跟…过意不去;揭穿;指责
 »she picked him up on one niggling point.
pick something up
1. collect something that has been left elsewhere
• 拿,取
 »Wanda came over to pick up her things.
  [informal] pay the bill for something, typically something expensive
[非正式] 付账,付款
  [N. Amer.] tidy a room or building
[北美] 收拾,整理(房间,楼房)
2. obtain, acquire, or learn something, especially without formal arrangements or instruction
• (尤指未经正式安排或指点)获得,取得,学会
 »he had picked up a little Russian from his father.
  catch an illness or infection
• 感染(疾病)
3. detect or receive a signal or sound, especially by means of electronic apparatus
• (尤指通过电子设备)检测,接收(信号,声音)
  (也作 pick up on)become aware of or sensitive to something
• 察觉,留意,敏感
 »women are very quick to pick up emotional atmospheres.
  find and take a particular road or route
• 找到,选择(道路,路线)
4. (也作 pick up)resume something
• 继续,接续
 »they picked up their friendship without the slightest difficulty.
  (也作 pick up on)refer to or develop a point or topic mentioned earlier
• 重提,发展(观点,话题)
 »Dawson picked up her earlier remark.
  (of an object or colour) attractively accentuate the colour of something else by being of a similar shade
• (物体,颜色)衬托,烘托
pick up after
1. (chiefly US)tidy up things left strewn around by (someone)
[主美] 收拾, 整理
1. a tool consisting of a long handle set at right angles in the middle of a curved iron or steel bar with a point at one end and a chisel edge or point at the other, used for breaking up hard ground or rock
• 鹤嘴锄;尖镐
  short for ice pick
• ice pick 的简称
2. an instrument for picking
• (尖状的)挖撬工具
 »[with modifier] an ebony hair pick.
  short for toothpick
• toothpick 的简称
  [informal] a plectrum
[非正式] 琴拨,拨子
1. Middle English: variant of pike


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