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realism realism
/ 5ri:E7lIzEm /

noun, [mass noun]
1. the attitude or practice of accepting a situation as it is and being prepared to deal with it accordingly
• 现实,现实性;现实的态度(或做法);注重实际的倾向
 »the summit was marked by a new mood of realism.
  the view that the subject matter of politics is political power, not matters of principle
• 权力实用主义
 »political realism is the oldest approach to global politics.
  the doctrine that the law is better understood by analysis of judges rather than the judgements given
• 现实主义法学
2. the quality or fact of representing a person, thing, or situation accurately or in a way that is true to life
• 真实性,真实感;逼真性
 »the traditional British soaps will stay because of their gritty realism.
  (in art and literature) the movement or style of representing familiar things as they actually are
• (文学和艺术用语)现实主义,写实主义。 常与 idealism(义项1)相对
3. While realism in art is often used in the same contexts as naturalism, implying a concern to depict or describe accurately and objectively, it also suggests a deliberate rejection of conventionally beautiful or appropriate subjects in favour of sincerity and a focus on simple and unidealized treatment of contemporary life. Specifically, the term is applied to a late 19th-century movement in French painting and literature represented by Gustave Courbet in the former and Balzac, Stendhal, and Flaubert in the latter
4. [Philosophy] the doctrine that universals or abstract concepts have an objective or absolute existence. The theory that universals have their own reality is sometimes called Platonic realism because it was first outlined by Plato's doctrine of ‘forms ’or ideas
[哲] 唯实论(认为共相或抽象概念客观或绝对存在的学说;共相具有自身实在性的理论有时称作“柏拉图唯实论”,因为这一理论最早是根据柏拉图有关“形式”或理念的学说概括出来的)。 常与 nominalism 相对
  the doctrine that matter as the object of perception has real existence and is neither reducible to universal mind or spirit nor dependent on a perceiving agent
• 实在主义,实在论(认为作为感知对象的物质真实地存在而且既不可还原为一般的思想或精神也不依赖于感知者的学说)。 常与 idealism(义项2)相对
realist noun & adjective


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