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reality reality
/ ri5Aliti /

(pl. -ies), [mass noun]
1. the world or the state of things as they actually exist, as opposed to an idealistic or notional idea of them
• 现实,实际;事实;实体
 »he refuses to face reality.
 »Laura was losing touch with reality.
  [count noun] a thing that is actually experienced or seen, especially when this is grim or problematic
• 严酷(或严重)的现实
 »the harsh realities of life in a farming community.
 »the law ignores the reality of the situation.
  [count noun] a thing that exists in fact, having previously only existed in one's mind
• 现实的东西
 »we want to make the dream a reality.
  the quality of being lifelike or resembling an original
• 真实感;逼真性
 »the reality of Marryat's detail.
  [as modifier] denoting or relating to television programmes based on real people or situations, designed to be entertaining rather than informative
• (目的为娱乐,而非提供信息的)真人真事电视节目;社会传真节目
 »a reality show.
2. the state or quality of having existence or substance
• 存在
 »youth, when death has no reality.
  [Philosophy] existence that is absolute, self-sufficient, or objective, and not subject to human decisions or conventions
[哲] 实在,实在性
in reality
1. in actual fact (used to contrast a false idea of what is true or possible with one that is more accurate)
• 而在实际上(用来对比错误的和正确的观点)
 »she had believed she could control these feelings, but in reality that was not so easy.
the reality is ——
1. used to assert that the truth of a matter is not what one would think or expect
• 事实是——
 »the popular view of the Dobermann is of an aggressive guard dog—the reality is very different.
1. late 15th cent.: via French from medieval Latin realitas, from late Latin realis 'relating to things' (see real )


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