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reflection reflection
/ ri5flekFEn /

1. [mass noun] the throwing back by a body or surface of light, heat, or sound without absorbing it
• (光、热或声音的)反射
 »the reflection of light.
  [count noun] an amount of light, heat, or sound that is thrown back in such a way
• 反射光;反射热;回声
 »the reflections from the street lamps gave them just enough light.
  [count noun] an image seen in a mirror or shiny surface
• (镜子或光洁面)映像
 »Marianne surveyed her reflection in the mirror.
  [count noun] a thing that is a consequence of or arises from something else
• 反映
 »a healthy skin is a reflection of good health in general.
  [in sing.] a thing bringing discredit to someone or something
• 有损(人或事)名誉的事
 »it was a sad reflection on society that because of his affliction he was picked on.
  [count noun] [Mathematics] the conceptual operation of inverting a system or event with respect to a plane, each element being transferred perpendicularly through the plane to a point the same distance the other side of it
[数] 镜射,反射
2. [mass noun] serious thought or consideration
• 深思,反省
 »he doesn't get much time for reflection.
  [count noun] an idea about something, especially one that is written down or expressed
• (尤指见诸语言)想法,意见,思考
 »reflections on human destiny and art.
1. late Middle English: from Old French reflexion or late Latin reflexio(n-), from Latin reflex- 'bent back', from the verb reflectere


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