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ripe ripe
/ raip /

1. (of fruit or grain) developed to the point of readiness for harvesting and eating
• (果实,谷物)成熟的
  (of a cheese or wine) fully matured
• (奶酪)熟的;(酒)芳醇的,陈年的
  (of a smell or flavour) rich, intense, or pungent
• (气味)浓烈的;刺鼻的;(香气)馥郁的
 »rich, ripe flavours emanate from this wine.
  (of a female fish or insect) ready to lay eggs or spawn
• (雌性鱼,昆虫)快要产卵的
  [predic.] (ripe for)arrived at the fitting stage or time for (a particular action or purpose)
• 成熟的;适合…的
 »land ripe for development.
  [predic.] (ripe with)full of
• 充满
 »a population ripe with discontent.
  [attrib.] (of a person's age) advanced
• 高龄的,高寿的
 »she lived to a ripe old age.
  [informal] (of a person's language) beyond the bounds of propriety; coarse
[非正式] (言语)下流的;粗俗的
the time is ripe
1. a suitable time has arrived
• 时机已经成熟,时机已到
 »the time was ripe to talk about peace.
ripely adverb
ripeness noun
1. Old English rīpe, of West Germanic origin; related to Dutch rijp and German reif


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