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row row
/ rEu / n., vt. & vi. / rau / n., vi.

1. a number of people or things in a more or less straight line
• (人或物的)一排,一行,一列
 »her villa stood in a row of similar ones.
  a line of seats in a theatre
• (戏院的)一排座位
 »they sat in the front row.
  [often in place names] a street with a continuous line of houses along one or both of its sides
• (常用于地名中、一侧或两侧有房屋的)街,路
 »he lives at 23 Saville Row.
  a horizontal line of entries in a table
• (表格的)横线,横栏
  a complete line of stitches in knitting or crochet
• (编结物或钩针织品的)一行针脚(或缝线)
a hard (或 tough) row to hoe
1. a difficult task
• 难办的事,棘手的事
in a row
1. forming a line
• 成一排,成一行,成一直线
 »four chairs were set in a row.
  [informal] in succession
[非正式] 连续地,一连串地
 »he jumped nineteen clear rounds in a row.
1. Old English rāw, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch rij and German Reihe
1. [with obj.] propel (a boat) with oars
• 划(船)
 »out in the bay a small figure was rowing a rubber dinghy.
  [no obj., with adverbial of direction] travel by propelling a boat in this way
• 划船
 »we rowed down the river all day.
  convey (a passenger) in a boat by propelling it with oars
• 划渡(乘客);(用船)划送
 »her father was rowing her across the lake.
  [no obj.] engage in the sport of rowing, especially competitively
• 参加赛船,当赛船划手
 »he rowed for England.
 »[with complement] he rowed stroke in the University Eight.
1. [in sing.] a spell of rowing
• 划船时间;划船路程
rower noun
1. Old English rōwan, of Germanic origin; related to rudder; from an Indo-European root shared by Latin remus 'oar', Greek eretmon 'oar'
row someone down
1. overtake a team in a rowing race, especially a bumping race
• (划船比赛,尤指赛艇追撞比赛中)追上,赶过
row someone out
1. [一般作 be rowed out] exhaust someone by rowing
• 使划得筋疲力尽
row over
1. complete the course of a boat race with little effort, owing to the absence or inferiority of competitors
• (划船比赛中由于对手缺席或水平较低而)一路领先,轻易取胜
row³[informal] [非正式]
1. (chiefly Brit.)a noisy acrimonious quarrel
[主英] 吵嚷;激烈的争吵
 »they had a row and she stormed out of the house.
  a serious dispute
• 争吵,吵架;争论
 »the director is at the centre of a row over policy decisions.
  a loud noise or uproar
• 响声;闹声,喧嚣声
 »if he's at home he must have heard that row.
  [Brit.] a severe reprimand
[英] 严厉斥责
 »I always got a row if I left food on my plate.
1. [no obj.] have a quarrel
• 争吵;吵闹
 »they rowed about who would receive the money from the sale.
 »she had rowed with her boyfriend the day before.
  [with obj.] [Brit.] rebuke severely
[英] 痛斥,责骂
 »she was rowed for leaving her younger brother alone.
make (或 kick up) a row
1. (chiefly Brit.)make a noise or commotion
[主英] 大吵大闹;发出喧闹声
  make a vigorous protest
• 强烈抗议
1. mid 18th cent.: of unknown origin


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