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beyond beyond
/ bi5jCnd /

preposition & adverb
1. at or to the further side of
• 在…的那一边,向…的那一边,远于,在…的前面
 »[as prep.] he pointed to a spot beyond the concealing trees.
 »passengers travelling to destinations beyond London.
 »[as adv.] from south of Dortmund as far as Essen and beyond.
 »a view of Hobart with Mount Wellington beyond.
  [prep.] outside the physical limits or range of
• [表示超出自然界限、范围]在…之外
 »the hook which held the chandelier was beyond her reach.
  (figurative)more extensive or extreme than; further-reaching than[prep.]
[喻] 比…更广泛;超出极限,超过,非…可及
 »what these children go through is far beyond what most adults endure in a lifetime.
 »the authority of the inspectors goes beyond ordinary police powers.
 »[as adv.] pushing the laws to their limits and beyond.
2. happening or continuing after (a specified time, stage, or event)
• (发生)在…之后,(延续)到…之后
 »[as prep.] training beyond the age of 14.
 »[as adv.] music going on into the night and beyond.
3. having progressed or achieved more than (a specified stage or level)
• (在进展或成就方面)超过,逾越
 »[as prep.] we need to get beyond square one.
 »his failure to rise beyond the rank of Undersecretary.
  above or greater than (a specified amount)
• (在数量上)高于,…以上
 »[as prep.] raising its stake beyond 15%.
 »[as adv.] he could count up to a hundred thousand million now, and beyond.
4. [prep.] to or in a degree or condition where a specified action is impossible
• (在程度或条件方面)超出,使不可能
 »the landscape has changed beyond recognition.
 »their integrity remains beyond question.
  too much for (someone) to achieve or understand
• 为(某人)所不及,非(某人)所能理解
 »he did something that I thought was beyond me.
 »the questions were well beyond the average adult.
5. [prep.] [with negative] apart from; except
• 除…以外
 »beyond telling us that she was well educated, he has nothing to say about her.
 »there was little vegetation beyond scrub and brush-growth.
1. (the beyond)the unknown after death
• 来世,不可知的彼岸
 »messages from the beyond.
the back of beyond
--› see back
1. Old English begeondan, from be 'by' + geondan of Germanic origin (related to yonand yonder)


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