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shoe shoe
/ Fu: /

1. a covering for the foot, typically made of leather, with a sturdy sole and not reaching above the ankle
• 鞋
  a horseshoe
• 马蹄铁,马掌
2. something resembling a shoe in shape or use, in particular
• 形状(或用途)似鞋子之物,尤指
  a drag for a wheel
• 车轮制动棒
  short for brake shoe
• brake shoe的简称
  a socket, especially on a camera, for fitting a flash unit or other accessory
• (尤指照相机上的)插口
  a metal rim or ferrule, especially on the runner of a sledge
• (尤指雪橇滑板的)金属箍
  a step for a mast
• 柱脚;桩靴
  a box from which cards are dealt in casinos at baccarat or some other card games
• (巴卡拉纸牌或其他纸牌戏的)发牌盒
(shoes, shoeing; past and past participle shod )
1. [with obj.] [常作 be shod] fit (a horse) with a shoe or shoes
• 给(马)钉蹄铁
  (be shod)[with adverbial] (of a person) be wearing shoes of a specified kind
• 穿鞋(或靴)
 »his large feet were shod in trainers.
  protect (the end of an object such as a pole) with a metal shoe
• 用金属片包覆
 »the four wooden baulks were each shod with heavy iron heads.
  fit a tyre to (a wheel)
• 装轮胎
be (或 put oneself) in another person's shoes
1. be (或 put oneself) in another person's situation or predicament
• 使处于某人的状况;使陷入某人的处境
 »if I'd been in your shoes I'd have walked out on him.
dead men's shoes
1. property or a position coveted by a prospective successor but available only on a person's death
• 遗产
if the shoe fits, wear it
1. [N. Amer.] . see if the cap fits, wear it (at cap)
[北美] 见 (cap条) if the cap fits, wear it
shoe leather
1. [informal] used in reference to the wear on shoes through walking
[非正式] 鞋子的磨损
 »you can save on shoe leather by giving us your instructions over the telephone.
wait for the other shoe to drop
1. [N. Amer. informal] be prepared for a further or consequential event or complication to occur
[北美,非正式] 等着下一个事件(或难题)发生
shoeless adjective
1. Old English scōh (noun), scōg(e)an (verb), of Germanic origin; related to Dutch schoen and German Schuh


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