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sit sit
/ sit /

(sitting; past and past participle sat sat)
1. [no obj.] adopt or be in a position in which one's weight is supported by one's buttocks rather than one's feet and one's back is upright
• 坐;坐下
 »you'd better sit down.
 »I sat next to him at dinner.
  [with obj.] cause to adopt or be in such a position
• 使坐;使就座
 » sit yourself down and I'll bring you some tea.
  (of an animal) rest with the hind legs bent and the body close to the ground
• (动物)蹲
 »it is important for a dog to sit when instructed.
  (of a bird) rest on a branch; perch
• (鸟)停落;栖息
  (of a bird) remain on its nest to incubate its egg
• (鸟)孵卵;伏窝
 »[as adj. sitting] a sitting hen.
  [with obj.] ride or keep one's seat on (a horse)
• 骑(马)
  [with obj.] [N. Amer.] not use (a player) in a game
[北美] (比赛)不用(某选手)
 »the manager must decide who to sit in the World Series.
  [with obj.] (of a table, room, or building) be large enough for (a specified number of seated people)
• (桌子、房间或建筑物)容纳
 »the chapel sat about 3,000 people.
  (sit for)pose, typically in a seated position, for (an artist or photographer)
• 为(艺术家,摄影师)摆好姿势(尤指坐姿)
 »Walter Deverell asked her to sit for him.
  [no obj., with adverbial of place] be or remain in a particular position or state
• 处于;保持(某种位置或状态);搁置
 »the fridge was sitting in a pool of water.
  [with adverbial] (of an item of clothing) fit a person well or badly as specified
• (衣服)合身,适合
 »the blue uniform sat well on his big frame.
  (sit with)be harmonious with
• 与…保持和谐
 »his shyness doesn't sit easily with Hollywood tradition.
2. [no obj.] (of a parliament, committee, court of law, etc.) be engaged in its business
• (议会、委员会、法庭等)开会,开庭
 »Parliament continued sitting until March 16.
  serve as a member of a council, jury, or other official body
• (在委员会、陪审团或其他官方机构中)占有一席,担任职务
 »they were determined that women jurists should sit on the tribunal.
  (sit for)[Brit.] be the Member of Parliament for (a particular constituency)
[英] 任(某特定选区的)下院议员
3. [with obj.] [Brit.] take (an examination)
[英] 参加(考试)
 »pupils are required to sit nine subjects at GCSE.
 »[no obj.] he was about to sit for his Cambridge entrance exam.
4. [no obj., in combination] live in someone's house while they are away and look after their pet or pets
• 代人照看(宠物)。 参见babysit
 »Fenella had been cat-sitting for me.
noun, [insing.]
1. a period of sitting
• 坐的一段时间
 »a sit in the shade.
2. (archaic)the way in which an item of clothing fits someone
[古] (衣服)合身
 »the sit of her frock.
sit at someone's feet
1. be someone's pupil or follower
• 做某人的学生(或追随者),师承(某人)
sit in judgement --› see judgement
sit on the fence --› see fence
sit on one's arse
1. (vulgar slang)do nothing; fail to take action
[粗俚] 无所事事;不采取行动
sit on one's hands
1. take no action
• 不采取行动
sit (heavy) on the stomach
1. (of food) take a long time to be digested
• (食物)很难消化
sit on someone's tail
1. drive extremely close behind another vehicle, typically while waiting for a chance to overtake
• (尤指为等机会超车时)紧跟着开车
sit tight
1. [informal] remain firmly in one's place
[非正式] 稳留原处
  refrain from taking action or changing one's mind
• 不采取行动;固执己见
 »we're advising our clients to sit tight and neither to buy nor sell.
sit up (and take notice)
1. [informal] suddenly start paying attention or have one's interest aroused
[非正式] 警觉;突然激起兴趣
1. Old English sittan, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch zitten, German sitzen, from an Indo-European root shared by Latin sedere and Greek hezesthai
1. In sentences such as we were sat there for hours the use of the past participle sat with the verb ‘to be’ is informal and not part of standard English. Originally only in dialect, it is now common in British (though not US) English. Standard English uses the present participle sitting in similar contexts, as in we were sitting there for hours
sit back
1. relax
• 放松
 »sit back and enjoy the music.
  take no action; choose not to become involved
• 不采取行动;不参与
 »I can't just sit back and let Liz get on with it.
sit by
1. take no action in order to prevent something undesirable from occurring
• 袖手旁观,无动于衷
 »I'm not going to sit by and let an innocent man go to jail.
sit down
1. (archaic)encamp outside a city in order to besiege it
[古] (扎营于城外以)围困
 »with a large force he sat down before Ravenna.
2. [Brit.] accept or put up with an unwelcome situation or development
[英] 接受;容忍(讨厌的状况或进展)
 »if they think I'm going to sit down under it, they can think again.
sit in
1. (of a group of people) occupy a place as a form of protest
• (人群)静坐示威
2. attend a meeting or discussion without taking an active part in it
• 不积极地参加(会议,讨论)
 »I sat in on a training session for therapists.
sit in for
1. temporarily carry out the duties of (another person)
• 临时行使(别人的)职责
sit on
[informal 非正式]
1. fail to deal with
• 搁置,拖延
 »she sat on the article until a deadline galvanized her into putting words to paper.
2. subdue (someone), typically by saying something intended to discomfit or embarrass them
• (尤指用说令某人不快或难堪的话来)压制(某人)
  suppress (something)
• 压制(某物)
 »I want this story sat on.
sit something out
1. not take part in a particular event or activity
• 不参与某件事或活动
 »he had to sit out Sheffield Wednesday's UEFA Cup game.
  wait without moving or taking action until a particular unwelcome situation or process is over
• 袖手旁观坐等结束
 »most of the workers seem to be sitting the crisis out, waiting to see what will happen.
sit through
1. stay until the end of (a tedious or lengthy meeting or performance)
• 挨到(某乏味或冗长的会议、表演)结束
sit up (或 sit someone up)
1. move (or cause someone to move) from a lying or slouching to a sitting position
• 坐直;使坐起
 »Amy sat up and rubbed her eyes.
 »I'll sit you up on the pillows.
2. refrain from going to bed until a later time than usual
• 熬夜
 »we sat up late to watch a horror film.


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